maybe I'm the problem

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Life is strange, it puts you in front of unexpected things, never imagined situations, useless illusions, and deep thoughts, sometimes I wonder how a little woman with the body of a 14-year-old and the mind of 20 can live, a little girl who cries for everything, who sleeps to escape from problems and laughs even if her heart is broken, not because of relationships, but because she inflicts pain on herself when she looks in the mirror and sees everything that for others is art but for her are just pieces of puzzles put together in a messy way, she doesn't see what she is, she dreams of seeing what others pretend to be, she deludes herself by looking at images online, hoping that those images one day represent her life perfectly even though she herself knows that this dream will not come true.

She looks at older people, sees people, hears their stories, and gets intoxicated by their almost invasive perfume for the human sense, she doesn't like the idea of ​​growing up and hates the idea of ​​remaining a child, she doesn't even want to be what she is. is, so what does this teenage girl want? She doesn't want love even if she is enchanted by reading and dreaming of love stories, she thinks about what she would do if she found her other half and she collects flowers and has them dried to give them to someone who will give her a letter and tell her that she loves her for what she is. it is, that he loves her faults more than her strengths and that he would love her madly even if she were to lose her beauty.

she wants company even if she finds it hard to keep it, she hugs people but her black hole doesn't shrink, the black hole swallows her, but even if she feels horrible she gives away pieces of her heart as if they had no end, she gives them away and doesn't ask anything in return, maybe she hopes, hopes that someone is by her side but when she really needs it she feels in a desert, where no one loves her anymore, no one says I love you and no one hugs her anymore. There she stands in her silence, drowning in loneliness and crying the tears left to shed, and isolates herself from the world asking herself if all this time she was living her life or if it was all just an illusion, a perfect life doesn't exist.

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