Wrong person, wrong time

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You weren't the right person at the wrong time,
you were the wrong person at the wrong time.

I gave love a chance,
I gave life a chance thinking you were going to make it better.
If it weren't clear enough you were my last will, my last reason to live and my last hope,
instead you gave me another reason to leave,
another reason to forget the existence of love.
You were the worst person that could have come into my life, you made me feel butterflies in the stomach that to this day cry in your absence, that day by day die, making me feel emptier and emptier.
Stupid, that's how our memories make me feel now, the best of our memories cause me the worst heartbreaks.
So believe me when I say I love you, because till now, every inch of me aches for you, it craves your touch and misses your sugar coated lies.

Things i never told youTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon