A beautiful betrayal...

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I was falling in love, I am falling in love or maybe I'm already in love, with your beautiful face that shines when you smile, with your gaze that warms my soul, or maybe with your voice so sweet yet cold at the same time, maybe it's because I don't have a symmetrical face and a picture perfect body that you don't look at me the way I look at you, you don't listen to me as much as I listen to you and you don't think of me half as much as I think of you and your internal beauty, hidden between layers of selfishness and hypocrisy.

I remember the first kiss you gave me, you made me feel whole dreams, you made me feel what I've always wanted to feel. Even if slightly varied, you never expressed how much you loved me in words, letters, or gifts, you reminded me of my beauty through compliments on my body, my breasts, and my curves, but you never talked about my brown eyes, which, despite failing miserably, hid the immense and indescribable love I felt for you. Tell me the truth, did you ever look into my eyes?

You've been my dream and my nightmare, which still haunts me, I close my eyes and see our memories that slowly fade away like polaroids, but leave a deep scar in my heart.

How much it hurts me to think that once this heart belonged to you, which I had given to you as a gift, asking in return only that you take care of it.

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