𝖎. 𝖘𝖊𝖆𝖓

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Sean had never put much thought into the fact he worked in a club that was mostly frequented by supernatural creatures. It wasn't a secret that supernatural creatures preferred certain places more than others. There were still a lot of prejudices about all supernatural creatures even though they had come out of the shadows and made themselves known over a century ago.

Because of these prejudices certain places weren't as welcoming to them compared to others.

Sean just happened to work in a club that was very welcoming to all supernatural creatures. Everyone minded their own business and as long as nobody broke any law or hurt anyone else things remained pretty calm.

"It's busy tonight." Gram commented as he prepared a drink.

"Yeah." Sean agreed as he did the same. "It's going to be a long night."

"Hopefully with no problems." Gram said before walking over and handing the drink to the person who'd ordered it.

Sean finished making his drink and handed it over to the waiting guy.

"That's a lot of college students tonight." Gram noted a few minutes later as they cleaned up behind the bar.

"Yeah, it's close to finals so everyone is probably looking for ways to destress and let loose." Sean said. "Are Yok and Namo coming in tonight?"

"Yeah, they should be here soon." Gram said, looking at his watch. "We've been lucky enough that we've managed to handle all the drink orders so far. But based on the amount of people still arriving things are going to get busy soon."

"Lots of supernatural creatures tonight." Sean said looking around and easily spotting vampires, werewolves, fairies, demons, angels, and others.

"It's a great night to go out and have fun." Gram said, smiling. "I remember when I was in university I looked forward to the weekend. It was the only time I could relax and possibly go out for a few hours and forget about everything."

"Hm." Sean nodded agreeing.

"By the way I saw you signed the closing shift availability sheet for the weekends. Are you short on cash again?" Gram asked.

"They raised the rent for my studio and I need the extra cash. Besides, I find the closing shifts during the weekends easier. There's so many people that all we've got to do is give them their drinks and there's no need for unnecessary conversations." Sean explained.

"Ah, I should've known that was a factor." Gram said laughing. "You would think working at a club would mean you're a people person."

They got another wave of college students wanting drinks and quickly tended to them. The club was starting to get really busy now that it was getting late.

Gram was great at being a bartender. He was usually people's favorite and had a long list of returning customers who came back to the club just to see him. His friendly attitude and easygoingness was the reason Sean enjoyed working with him. All the chatty clients usually gravitated to him leaving Sean with the ones who just wanted their drinks.

Sean didn't know if the fact Gram was a werewolf was a factor of his friendliness and likeability. It wasn't like people could tell at first glance that he was one. Werewolves looked like any other human from a distance and besides the fact some had tattoos with their pack name they could easily blend in with humans. It wasn't until you got closer that you started to see the signs that someone was a werewolf. The eyes were usually a dead giveaway and the first thing people noticed.

The closer it got to a full moon the more the werewolves' eye color changed. During the full moon all werewolves had golden colored eyes. Some wore contacts to hide their eye color change while others didn't care. Their eye color didn't have to do with their ability to change into their wolf forms either. Werewolves were able to turn whenever they wanted regardless of the moon. But as it got closer to the full moon they did get more energy and stronger. The full moon was usually the night when werewolves were the strongest.

𝐓𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐈'𝐦 𝐈𝐧 (𝐀 𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐌𝐞 𝐀𝐔)Where stories live. Discover now