𝖎𝖎. 𝖜𝖍𝖎𝖙𝖊

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  White didn't understand what had just happened. He had never lost control like he did tonight.

  Last thing that made sense was that he had been walking back to the apartment when he'd gotten a whiff of a smell. A smell that was so inviting and delicious that next thing he knew he was following it and trying to find the source.

  That's how he'd ended up outside a club and before he knew it he had gone inside following the smell. He knew he stood out with his blonde hair and bright yellow sweater and white shorts. He wasn't dressed for the club but he didn't care at that moment. All that mattered was finding out the source of the smell.

  It had become almost an impossible mission though. There were too many people and their scents were all mixing together making it hard for White to locate the one he was after.

  Then he'd gotten a sudden urge to feed. He hadn't drank blood in two weeks now and was close to reaching his limit. He hadn't told Black though because he didn't want Black to go making any deals to get White some blood.

  The thing was that White had never fed from a person, besides Black. He'd tried to before, many times, but he just couldn't. He felt repulsed by it and couldn't do it.

  He was a vampire that was repulsed by feeding straight from the source, humans.

  Even feeding from Black was hard but tolerable. He didn't feed from him as much as he used to when they were younger though. It didn't feel right to feed from the only person in the world who actually cared about him.

  White then decided that since he was in a club filled with humans he would try feeding from one of them. It was a supernatural creatures friendly club which meant it wouldn't be a surprise for a hungry vampire to be there. Some vampires went to supernatural creatures' friendly places to find people to feed from. There was even an application for vampires to find nearby humans who'd signed up to be fed from. Some humans liked the feeling of a vampire feeding from them.

  White had heard it felt good for some humans to be fed from. He didn't really understand it but apparently it felt good in a sexual way. You just had to find the right partner. That was one of the reasons a lot of vampires had contracts with humans. The vampire got to feed while the human got to feel good.

  Maybe White would get lucky tonight and find a compatible human who didn't make him feel repulsed. It would really solve all his problems and Black wouldn't have to make deals to get some blood bags for White.

  White took his phone out and went on the app to look for any potential humans who were registered. He found some and read their profiles before swiping left or right. After a few minutes he got a few matches.

  He made plans to meet up with one and things kind of spiraled from there.

  White knew it had been a bad idea to meet up with a total stranger at some club. Black had warned him about meeting up with strangers like a trillion times. But he did it anyway and now as he was standing in front of said stranger he knew he wouldn't be able to go through with drinking his blood.

  "I've changed my mind." White told the guy before running off. He didn't really know where he was going but he knew he needed to get out of there.

  He wasn't paying attention so he didn't realize the delicious smell from earlier was back until it was too late and he had bumped into someone.

  "S-sorry!' White quickly apologized and glanced back to see if the guy he'd met up with had followed him.

  He had.

  "Hey! Why did you run?" The guy demanded as he approached. He didn't look happy.

  "I-I changed my mind." White quickly tried to explain.

𝐓𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐈'𝐦 𝐈𝐧 (𝐀 𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐌𝐞 𝐀𝐔)Where stories live. Discover now