𝖛𝖎𝖎. 𝖜𝖍𝖎𝖙𝖊

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  White could see that Black was still not buying the entire soulmates situation that Gram was explaining to him in more detail. To be perfectly honest White would not have believed it either if he was in Black’s position. But White did believe it to a degree that he was willing to try it out and see if it was true and that is all any of them asked of Black but he-

  “Nope, I just can’t believe you all expect me to believe Sean and White are somehow bound together and now White can’t feed from anyone but him. It’s insane.” Black said.

  “You mean as insane as your witch parents having twins that neither are witches but instead one is a vampire and the other mortal. We live in a pretty insane world Black. I don’t see why you think it’s not possible Sean and White are-” Gram got cut off.

  “Don’t say the s-word.” Black said, pointing a finger at Gram to silence him.

  “Phi, it doesn’t hurt to try it out.” White said but quickly turned to look at Sean. “Only if you want to of course.” He clarified.

  “I’m willing to see if what Gram says is true. I do admit that there is something about you that makes me want to be near you whenever I’m close.” Sean said.

  “Fucking hell.” Black mumbled rolling his eyes and glaring at Sean.

  “What’s the harm in letting them test my theory?” Gram asked, looking at Black. “Do you not trust White to be able to stay in control if he tastes Sean’s blood once again?”

  “Don’t fucking say that ever again!” Black immediately snapped. “White would never hurt anyone and has never hurt anyone so don’t you dare insinuate I don’t trust him!”

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to-” Gram actually looked apologetic as he looked at Black but got cut off once again by an agitated Black.

  White was starting to get concerned for Black’s health. He was already weak from making White feed from him and now he was stressing himself out arguing with Gram. The last thing White wanted was to cause Black to have an episode and from the looks of things if he did it might be a severe one. He was pushing himself too close to his limit.

  “No, you meant it.” Black glowered at him, shutting him up. “Let me tell you something. You don’t know us. You know anything about us so don’t act like you’ve figured us out or like we’re friends because we are not. And don’t ever imply I don’t trust my brother because he is the only person I trust in the entire world. The only reason I haven’t kicked you out is because I respect White too much to not at least listen to what you all have to say. But you’re really close to crossing the line so if I were you I would think before I speak.”

  “I’m sorry, I really didn’t mean to offend anyone.” Gram said solemnly looking down at his hands.

  White was curious about Gram. He’d met werewolves before but he’d never met one quite like him. Usually they were stubborn, easily angered, and cocky. They didn’t like it when people raised their voices at them and that usually was the first step of starting a fight with one. Any mortal that talked to one the way Black did would have already gotten their ass beat. You did not yell or call a werewolf names and walk away without some type of injury.

  But Gram seemed to like the back and forth with Black and whenever Black called him something insulting he just smiled and took it. It was strange and White didn’t know how to feel about it. It wasn’t the first time White noticed someone interested in his phi but it was the first time someone was interested and didn’t get turned off by Black’s character or White scared off without Black knowing.

  Black thought he was the only one with a protective gene in them but to be honest White was just as protective if not more. He just didn’t show that side in front of Black because he knew his phi liked having the protective older brother role and it made him feel useful, not that he wasn’t. Black had a complex about being mortal. Their parents and coven had spent their entire childhood putting in his mind that he was weak and useless because he was mortal that when they ran away Black had taken the protector role. Even though they were the same age Black had always acted older and more mature than every other kid their age and when they were finally free of their parents and coven Black felt it was his duty to keep White safe and provide everything he needed. He didn’t even let White get a job and help pay the bills and expenses until about two years ago and even then Black refused to take money from White and instead insisted White use it to buy himself whatever he wanted or save it for when he might need it in the future.

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