
21 2 17

Your number is: 0.1

You decide to talk to Jake

You: "Uhh, do you wanna work with me?"

Jake: "Of course!"

Elliot: "I guess I'll be with Sasha, heheh."

Sasha: "I'm sure this one will be easy!"

Jake: "Ok...Page 1... If Jonhy and Mary blah blah and blah how many blah...Ok we just need to divide 80 by 3 and multiply it by 9."

You: "How do you even read so fast?!"

Jake: "Heheh, I guess it's my super power!"

You: "Let's just start..."

You don't know how to divide.

You: "Uhh...I need help, please-"

Jake: "Ok, how do you want me to help you?"

You: "I don't know how to divide..."

Jake: "Don't worry, it's easy, you just have to-"

You ignored almost everything Jake said, you only remembered a half of it..

You: "...Why don't you divide it first...Then i multiply it?"

Jake: "Oh ok, sure!"

Jake writes math stuff on his math notebook...

¿‽?: "His Math notebook is blue...What the heck?! Everyone knows blue is for English! Yellow is for Maths!! YELLOW IS THE COLOR OF MATHS!!!"

You start laughing at the funny words the shadow said... Jake looks at you, confused.

Jake: "What's so funny...? What happened?"

Jake looks around and finds nothing, you stop laughing.

You: "No, no- I was just...Thinking..."

You were hallucinating, again.

Jake: "What were you thinking about?"

You: "Nothing, just something funny!"

Jake: "Hmm, ok!"

Jake keeps working on the math thing

-literally some seconds later-

Jake finally finished dividing.

Jake: "Now you just need to multiply it!"

You: "Ok... That's very easy for me."

You start multiplying the answer by 9.


You: "We're finished, Miss Wren!"

Miss Wren: "Oh ok, just give me the Math book, please."

You and Jake gave Miss Wren your Math books...

Miss Wren: "...Ok first of all; 'You' didn't even write anything on their book, second of all; You guys didn't answer the other 2 questions!"

You: "Oh..."

Jake: "Sorry, Miss."

You and Jake sit down in the same place again.

Jake sighs.

Jake: "I didn't see the other 2 questions, heheh."

You both read the questions and answer them.

-time skip bc Zero is lazy as grapeicecream-

You: "Miss! We finally finished!"

Wren takes your books and reads your answers, then she smiles.

Miss Wren: "You both can play with the others now!"

Jake: "Epic! What do you want to do now?"

(What would you like to do?)
[ a) Nothing ]
[ b) Draw ]
[ c) Eat food ]
[ d) Play football ]

Zero's dating simulator!! - A multiple ending story lolWhere stories live. Discover now