009 confined feelings

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"You too, huh?" A boy took the chair next to her. She knew of him and he knew of her but they had never talked. They were in the same year, classes shared everyday and yet she had never spoken a single word to him. Sitting by the corner in the large ballroom, Ariadne hoped that she could disappear. That her soul would finally leave her body and disperse into nothingness. Her earrings were getting heavy, dragging her ears down. Her feet began to hurt under the immense pressure and she was growing tired of it all.

"I've always hated these things," he continued, watching as couples glided through the dance floor, elegantly waltzing to an unfamiliar tune. Others chatted with their friends while sneaking glances of distaste at other groups. Ariadne peered at the boy. His blonde hair was neatly combed from his face, something that his mother probably enforced. His blue eyes seemed to carry so much life within as he stared at the crowd.

"Can't hate them more than me," she muttered, giving him a small smile.

"Is that so?" He stuck out his hand. "Edwin Flint." She already knew that.

"Ariadne Nott." He already knew that.

"So, you're the girl that Caelum hates," he mused, glancing over to Malfoy who was approaching a group of girls. Ariadne followed his eyes, watching Malfoy charm his way through, though his eyes kept coming back to one particular girl.

"Glad to know my feelings are reciprocated," she joked and he snorted. Slowly, he broke through her defensive barriers as they lightly conversed under the dim lights. It was nice to have someone who wasn't up their own ass, thinking that the world revolved around them at events like these. Filled to the brim with hypercritical purebloods, Ariadne felt like she couldn't breathe without someone commenting on the way she exhaled. Edwin Flint was a pocket or air, free from bias and prejudice. She enjoyed his company more than she realised.

It wasn't long until Ariadne's father found them. Grabbing her arm tightly, he told his daughter that it was time to finally head home. He didn't even give her the chance to say goodbye to her new found companion before whisking her away. As she glanced over her shoulder, an apologetic look gracing her features, she found the pained gaze of empathy staring back at her.

"I don't want you associating with that boy," Silas Nott revealed out of earshot from Edwin. His fingers almost crushed his daughter's forearm as he led them out of the ballroom. He was looking for his wife and Ariadne was looking back at the boy. Without her presence, he looked lost, out of place in a sea of terrible creatures.

"Why?" Ariadne asked innocently, almost tripping over her dress as she struggled to keep up with his fast pace.

"Why? Have you not heard?" Silas denounced bitterly, "His family is a disgrace. I have no idea why Marcia invited them." The older man sent a glare over his shoulder, directed at who? Ariadne wasn't sure. She kept her head down, well aware that she was walking over eggshells. The younger girl did not want to upset her father further.

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