044 the wreckage

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As the aurors lit up the darkness with a border around the subway, both Tina and Ariadne sneaked in just as the magical dome was sealed. With their backs against the cool bricked wall, Ariadne surveyed the area. Aurors scattered across every inch of the concrete floor. None daring to go beyond the safety of the surface. Madam Picquery stood in the middle, watching as the muggles crowded around the dome, lights flashed as photos were taken. Even from her position, Ariadne could see the President's anxiety written all over her face.

"Do you think we could just walk past all of them?" Ariadne began, a small smirk on her face as Tina stared at her like she had grown another head. They were both still wearing their work attire, blending in should be a breeze.

"Are you crazy?"

"Quite possibly," she smiled, "Follow me," without wasting another second Ariadne stood up, strolling as confidently as she could muster. Tina had no choice but to follow as she kept her head down. While passing two aurors, Ariadne yoinked their hats, placing one on her head and the other on Tina's. The two hatless aurors glanced around but couldn't find the culprit in the sea of others. Why the American aurors wore these stupid hats? Ariadne had no clue, but she had never been more grateful as they slipped through undetected.

Descending down the stairs, their pace quickened as the sound of disruption made their hearts beat a little faster. Following the sound of roars, Tina and Ariadne finally found the creature hovering over Newt and Graves.

"Credence, no," Tina cried out, desperate to save Newt as his head hid away from the destroyer. At the sound of her voice, the Obscurus slowed, "Don't do this, please."

"Keep talking, Tina. Keep talking to him," Newt urged, panting as he got up on his knees, "He'll listen to you. He's listening."

"I know what that woman did to you," Tina swallowed, "I know that you've suffered. You need to stop this now. Newt and I will protect you." Cautiously, she stepped forward, Ariadne staying right behind her as she gripped her wand. Her eyes darted from Credence to Graves and Newt as they stood up, "This man. He is using you."

"Don't listen to her, Credence. I want you to be free. It's all right."

"That's it. Good," Tina let out, her voice soft as she stared at the shrinking grey swirls of power. A crowd of footsteps interrupted the moment of stillness as aurors flanked each exit, their wands pointed towards Credence. Threatened by the aurors, the Obscurus began to grow, its magic bursting out again. "Shh! Don't, you'll frighten him."

"Wands down! Anyone harms him. They'll answer to me." Graves ordered, "Credence."

"Credence," Tina choked out, her face filled with panic as she turned to Ariadne. The Obscurial thrashed around, bursting out of control. All at once, spells were hurled towards the creature. Blasts from either side of the Obscurus were sent, determined to kill. "No!" The group fell flat on their stomachs, avoiding the heavy blows of magic. Ariadne stared up at Credence, his screams were humane. White light illuminated from the darkness of the Obscurus as the aurors unrelentingly shot at the creature. Under pressure, the Obscurus imploded, sending a force that made everyone stumble back. Shimmers of black floated in the air, dancing around as it softly disappeared.

Ariadne helped Tina on her feet as Graves climbed back onto the platform, "You fools. Do you realise what you've done?"

"The Obscurial was killed on my orders, Mr Graves," Madam Picquery revealed herself from the crowd. Her voice strong and unnerving.

"Yes. And history will surely note that, Madam President," Graves stalked towards the group, his tone threatening, "What was done here tonight was not right." And for once, Ariadne agreed with the man in front of her.

"He was responsible for the death of a No-Maj. He risked the exposure of our community. He has broken one of our most sacred laws."

"A law that has us scuttling like rats in the gutter. A law that demands that we conceal our true nature. A law that directs those under its dominion to cower in fear lest we risk discovery," Graves countered, "I ask you Madam President, I ask all of you," he lazily lifted his wand to them, making direct eye contact with Ariadne, sending chills down her back. "Who does this law protect? Us? Or them? I refuse to bow down any longer," with his words hanging in the air, he walked away, turning his back on Madam Picquery.

"Who does he sound like?" Ariadne asked rhetorically, her voice low as Newt and Tina turned to her, realisation finally covering their faces.

"Aurors, I'd like you to relieve Mr Graves of his wand and escort him back." White light blocked Graves from leaving. A border illuminated the underground subway as Ariadne watched Graves sneer. Turning around, he marched towards the aurors. With ease he blocked all of their spells, even returning some, watching wickedly as Madam Picquery's face morphed into panic as he drew closer.

In a split second, Newt released the Swooping Evil towards Graves. The blue winged creature flew up, shielding the aurors from Graves' fatal blows. With the wizard distracted, Newt's wand shot out a rope, binding Graves together as his hands tied tightly against his chest.

"Accio," Tina yelled, catching his wand as it flew towards her. Graves struggled against Newt's hold, but his bonds were tight. He wasn't going anywhere. Cautiously approaching Graves, they finally were level with him as they climbed back on the platform.

Without another thought, Ariadne pointed her wand at Graves. "Revelio," she whispered, slowly walking around to face him. She watched knowingly as Graves' appearance shifted. His hair turned blonde and the stubble on his face disappeared. Gellert Grindelwald stared at Ariadne, his face twisting into a smirk.

"Do you think you can hold me?" Grindelwald ridiculed, his tone mocking as Madam Picquery stood in front of him.

"We'll do our best Mr Grindelwald," two aurors flanked him and forced him up. They led him away although he stopped at the stairs, turning to face Newt and Ariadne.

"Will we die, just a little?" He finished with a sinister smile before the two aurors forced him away. Both Newt and Ariadne stared at him, watching as he left. There was something unnerving about his words or maybe it was his aurora in general. The power that seeped through his veins was undeniable. With a hand softly on Newt's shoulder, she gave him a small smile. He was captured, locked up so why did it feel so unsettling?

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grindelwald reveal. in curtesy of me wanting to get back to writing about ariadne and theseus, here's two chapters today. we are almost at the end of this act! give or take two chapters more.


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