064 all she had to do

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With Grindelwald's escape, the Minister of Magic increased auror patrols. A poor response to the public's widespread panic but what else could he do? This led to both Ariadne and Reuben strolling through the streets of Diagon Alley. The morning had been eventful. Ariadne had woken up just before dawn to collect her portkey before rushing to Newt's house. She had found the pair sprawled out across his couch. A wonderful sight that Ariadne had the displeasure of disrupting. Right before the sky could turn blue, both Newt and Jacob arrived in Paris. Now all she had to do was make sure that her contact with Franklin Selwyn would be limited to none to save herself from suspicion.

"Do you think you'll be able to capture him again?" Reuben questioned as they wandered close to the side of the street. It had just rained, the cobblestone wet and muddy. The grey clouds had painted the sky and people were rushing past. Ariadne gave him a look, not quite knowing what he meant. "Weren't you the one who captured Grindelwald in the first place?"

"I had help," Ariadne said, not wanting to discredit those who were with her that day. "And I do hope so. He's gaining more and more followers with each day."

"I suppose that is the Ministry's fault?" Reuben commented, causing Ariadne to lift an eyebrow. If she were to take Reuben to Travers right now, he would be sure that she had corrupted him. "I mean if arresting innocent civilians isn't going to make people more inclined to follow Grindelwald-"

There was something about the way he so casually brought it up that irked the woman, "And I agree, but you have to be careful who you share these opinions with, especially at the office."

He furrowed his brows together, "Do they not agree?"

"Most do. But if you were to say that in front of Travers, he would make sure you never set foot inside the auror office again. And then kick me out for good measure." As Reuben opened his mouth to retort, Bailey stumbled from behind them. His breaths were heavy and he was clinging onto his knees. He had been hastily searching for the pair, trying to catch his own breath as his job was done. Ariadne grabbed his arm, helping him stand up straight, the shock of seeing him not settling yet.

"Wilton found your father," he panted out, voice just above a whisper, "We need you there." Before she could answer, Bailey grabbed Reuben's arm, apparating the pair away from the familiar streets and unknowingly thrusted them into battle. A blast separated Ariadne from Bailey as she instinctively pulled Reuben with her.

Currently situated behind a large stone used for decoration, Ariadne's eyes darted around, examining her surroundings. Remnants of a rally showed, the vast landscape was enough to hold hundreds of people who wanted to listen to the words of Grindelwald. He wasn't here. But he was. Wilton was in pursuit of Silas Nott, the two engaging in a duel. He looked the same and Ariadne couldn't believe she was standing so close to him.

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