026 in the holiday spirit

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Sitting in front of her vanity, Ariadne wondered why she felt so nervous. She had been on penalty of other dates with other men which should have at least calmed her nerves, granted this one was said to become her 'worst.' And was it really a date or just something two friends, co-workers were planning platonically? Actually, they weren't going to be co-workers anytime soon. He got the promotion. He was going to be her supervisor. But were dates even romantic at this point? And if romantic feelings developed would that not be weird?

A knock on her door led her out of her thoughts and with a last minute check on her appearance, she opened the door. He was wearing a simple suit, his hands behind his back and his hair left naturally done. Maybe this time, he wasn't going to give Bailey the satisfaction of changing it. Even so, he greeted her with a smile that made her do the same, washing away all her worries.


"Hey," she was wearing an elegant green dress, which flowed all the way down to the floor. Makeup on her face accentuated her features while her hair was tied up. He couldn't lie, she was breathtaking.

"Well, I think you look rather beautiful," he started, voicing his opinions into words.

"If it's supposed to be my worst date, I'm surprised you're still as charming as ever," she reckoned, though a smile on her face told him she did not mind.

"Oh darling, it only gets worse from here. Flowers?" he carefully held out a bunch of roses, waiting as she accepted the bouquet, "Careful, they're charmed to make you sneeze if you sniff them."

"I don't think you were supposed to tell me," she started with a fond smile, moving to put them in a small vase. The charmed red roses were kept out of arm's reach as she admired them for a moment. With her back turned to him, Theseus hid the embarrassment that seeped into his cheeks.

"Well, we should get going," Theseus informed, "I was thinking we greet everyone we see when we get there."

"Merlin, let's not," she took his arm as they apparated to the entrance of the Ministry. The corridors were decorated light for the holiday though there was a sense of emptiness following them. The black bricks continued throughout until they reached the party room. Ariadne didn't know which office space had been transformed into a blend of Christmas colours. There wasn't a speck of darkness as the room had been lit up. Ariadne couldn't help but marvel at the sight, it truly was beautiful. Candles floated above as a large Christmas tree sat in one of the corners of the room. Shiny tinsel aligned the walls as baubles floated above.

"It's something, isn't it?" Theseus began, watching as Ariadne's eyes moved around the room.

"Yeah," the scenery transported Ariadne back to her youth. It had been a long time since she had seen excessive seasonal adornment. Theseus took note of how effortlessly it made her smile.

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