Chapter forty-six

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Athena’s POV

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. It was Alex.

“Yes baby?” I mumbled, half asleep.

“How sweet, but it’s me.” Charlie said.

“Is Alex okay?”

“Yes, kind of. Can you come pick us up?”

“It’s four in the morning.”

“I’m too drunk to drive, and I doubt that Alex can walk.”

“Shit, are you at the party?”

“No, we walked further away, so no one sees you picking us up.”

“Text me the address, I’ll be there in a few.” I hung up and got up. I slipped my shoes on, wore my glasses, and took my keys. As I got in the car, my phone buzzed.

I drove up to the address they gave me, and sure enough, Charlie and Alex were sitting at the sidewalk, waiting for me. I got out to help them in the car.

“Thank you for coming.” Alex said.

“How much did you have to drink?” Her eyes were half closed.

“Just a drink.”

“Just a drink?”

“Yes.” I turned to look at Charlie.

“That’s why I called you, I just didn’t want you to worry. We rushed out of the party as fast as possible.” I helped Alex into the backseat, and Charlie sat at the front with me.

“Are you saying that someone spiked her drink?” I raised my voice.

“Probably. Otherwise, why would she be like that?”

“Fuck” I cursed and drove us to my house. When we got there, Alex was asleep at the backseat. I lifted her up bridal style and carried her inside and onto our bed.

“Holy shit, you are strong.”

“I am”

I showed Charlie the guest room and gave her sweatpants and a t-shirt. As she was changing, I took Alex’s clothes off and wore her, her pajamas.

I walked out of the room and Charlie was waiting for me in the hallway.

“I didn’t know you wore glasses.”

“I do.”

“I’m sorry for waking you up, I was so scared, I didn’t know what to do or who to call.”

“You did the right thing calling me.” I looked back in the room at Alex. “if anything happens to her I’m going to find and kill whoever did this.” I mumbled.

“Maybe it was just a sleeping pill.”

“Maybe.” I said. “How do you know that whoever did this, didn’t follow you?”

“Because I asked Jason to help us sneak out without anyone noticing it.”


“He was standing at a corner on his own and we went to talk to him and that’s when Alex started feeling weird.” I rolled my eyes. "I'll stay with her. You should go back to sleep."

"No, I'll stay with her."

"No, Athena, it's fine."

"Charlie, please, I won't be able to sleep again anyway. Plus, if something happens, I'll be able to handle it better than you." She sighed and eyed me.

Imperfect loveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora