7 | Chapter

38 5 4

A/N This just got a little dark... brace yourselves.

Tobias rolled his eyes, leaning heavily against the metal headboard. The edge of it digging into his back uncomfortably, which he chose to ignore. "And what would that be?" he asked, gaze leveled on the bare chested boy, no, man, before him.

This ought to be interesting... So apparently Felix had to turn me into his species to save my life? Or is this entire thing just a ruse so that Felix can finally confront me? That at least makes more sense, because why would he even want to save me? We don't know each other at all, barely had a single proper conversation.

The doctor's rage seemed to suddenly seep out of him at Tobias' question, shoulders sagging in a gesture of tiredness. He spotted a sympathetic glint enter the man's clear blue eyes. "All of this might sound strange, impossible even. But I assure you that it's all true," Landon said, his speech ending in a reassuring smile. Soon after, he made to leave the room. But not before shooting a last glare towards Felix, who flinched slightly and took a step back. Which put him only a few feet away from the bed. "Felix will explain everything to you, as he should have the moment he found out."

Then the weird doctor left the room, leaving Tobias alone with his stalker, which in hindsight wasn't a very wise decision. Why couldn't he explain things? The very reason he got into this situation in the first place was because he didn't want to talk to this guy. Apparently no one was going to inquire about his opinion on the matter.

"I.. uh... your coin is on the table to your right," Felix mumbled, rubbing his arms in evident anxiety.

Immediately perking up at that welcome piece of information, Tobias blindly swiped his right hand over the small table. Not willing to take his eyes off the guy for the few seconds it would take to locate the coin. Ignoring the glass of water that he nearly knocked down, Tobias finally felt the smooth metal surface under his searching palm. He snatched it up and unabashedly clutched the lifeline to his chest, heaving a huge sigh of relief as he did so.

Feeling instantly better at the contact, Tobias also felt inclined to prompt the staring alien. "You were saying?" His voice came out level and steady, in his usual monotone drawl.

Felix looked to be too nervous to speak for sometime, squirming where he stood and eyes darting everywhere. When all of a sudden, he squeezed his eyes shut and blurted out, "I'm a werewolf!"

Silence. Complete and utter silence descended over the room. The only sound being Felix's ragged breathing, and Tobias' own calm one. The latter frozen in a state of shock. Not knowing what else to do, Felix decided to continue speaking to gain some sort of reaction out of the other.

"I was the other wolf that leapt at the rogue wolf attacking you," Felix began to ramble, hesitating to meet eye contact and instead fixated them on the blankets. "When I finally managed to subdue it, you were unconscious and bleeding out on the forest floor. I wanted to take you to the nearest hospital, secrecy be damned! But you'd already lost too much blood to safely be moved, and the nearest hospital was still too far away for me to run there and get help! You were dying right before my eyes, and I couldn't do anything to help! So... I took a risk by turning you into a werewolf too. At first I wasn't sure that I was doing more harm than good by doing so, but I'm glad that I did. It was the only way to ensure that you'd be stable enough for me to bring you here, where Landon could examine the transformation and make sure that your wounds healed properly. Everything went perfectly, they healed without a hitch."

Somewhere during the beginning of his extended spiel, Tobias had resorted to flipping the coin to get his thoughts moving. Granted, he shouldn't be too surprised about the fact that Felix could be a werewolf. The coin had already partly revealed that, it was the actual species that stumped him. He hadn't made an effort to even guess it, and yet it shocked him considerably to find out the truth.

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