16 | Chapter

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Tobias was just about to sit down below a shady tree, when Felix suddenly appeared, swiftly navigating the forest without making a sound. The only reason he spotted him was the bright red t-shirt he wore. A less than inconspicuous color amongst the vegetation.
The bright smile taking over Felix's face sent an odd tingle rushing down his spine. That smile directed at him was a testimony to his pure happiness from simply seeing him. Tobias couldn't imagine why anyone would be happy to see him of all people. He wasn't exactly good company.
"Good morning! I didn't expect you to want to visit again so soon!" Felix exclaimed, eyes almost squinted with how extensive his smile was. "What changed your mind?"
He shrugged, fingering the coin in his pocket. "I didn't want to be at the apartment, and had nowhere better to be."
If a wolf could facepalm himself, Chase would be doing it to the max. Now you just made it sound like coming to the pack was your last resort! That is not a good choice of words.
I never was good at communication.
That much is obvious!
Thankfully, Felix took no offense to his horrible choice of words. He just seemed delighted that Tobias chose to visit at all. The werewolf was significantly larger than him by a wide margin, and yet he had such a cherry personality that it amused Tobias half the time. He constantly had the thought that it would not seem so out of place if their personalities were reversed.
"Well, I'm glad that you're here! Maybe I can actually get around to giving you that tour I promised today." It was then that Felix's smile, turned the slightest bit sheepish. "I hope you weren't bored yesterday. I kinda have the tendency to ramble."
"I noticed," said Tobias, his own lips almost succeeding in curving upwards in a smile at the sight of Felix's contagious one. Felix noticed the barely there facial expression and grinned wider if that was even possible at that point. "And yesterday was fine, I like hearing you talk."
Geez, Tobias! Stop giving the poor guy mixed signals! You'll break him! Chase snickered. You're so damn blunt all the time.
Did I say something wrong? I was just being honest.
Look at him and honestly tell me that you haven't broken him.
Felix was blushing furiously to the tips of his ears, trying to play it off by looking away to the side and covering the bottom half of his face with his hand. Eyes darting around and looking at everything except him. Shifting his weight from one foot to the other.
I think I did... Tobias thought worriedly. Should I apologize? I didn't mean to offend him or anything...
Oh my goddess, can you be more dense? Felix is embarrassed that you commented about liking him talk so bluntly. Shy people like him get embarrassed easily!
But isn't he a warrior? Now Tobias was just plain confused about his reactions.
Don't be judgy, Chase chided him. He can be whatever he wants to be despite his persona.
"Right, well…" Felix coughed with his cheeks still tinged a bit pink. "Shall we get going then?" He nodded, needing no further prompting to drop the awkward atmosphere.
The werewolf hurried into the cover of the trees, leaving Tobias to jog behind him to catch up. He felt bad for unintentionally making Felix uncomfortable, and wished to do something to make up for his slip-up. He remembered how Felix enjoyed holding hands, and what he said about wolves liking touch in general, and decided to risk putting it to the test.
It really wasn't that bad to warrant anything to make up for it, Chase assured him. You know how easily he blushes.
I'm aware. Maybe I'm just doing this more for myself than him.
You sly fox… I say go for it.
Tobias sidled up next to him, pretending not to notice the side eye he received for it. When he was certain that Felix was not paying him any attention, he slid his left open palm against Felix's and gripped it firmly. The delicious heat transferred from it to Tobias' hand.
The hand he captured jerked in his grasp, but ultimately didn't attempt to pry itself away. Only squeezed and swung both their hands lightly. A ridiculously cheerful grin permanently etched on Felix's face.
You were right about him resembling a puppy, commented Chase. I can just imagine his big floppy ears, and tail wagging non-stop.
Speaking of which...
"Have you done your morning patrol yet?" he questioned, inclining his head.
"I asked a friend of mine if he could cover for me today, and I'd patrol at his time," Felix said. "Why'd you ask?"
"What time is his patrol?" he asked instead.
"10pm, he's a night owl in every sense of the word."
Should I go on patrol with him?
That's the best idea you've had all day!
Of course, you were asking the coin...
"Ask him to switch back with you," Tobias demanded, halting his steps. "I want to see your wolf, and go on patrol with you." 

Felix stood dumbstruck for a moment, staring at him incredulously. Then, he began to nod slowly, the smile returning as soon as it had disappeared. Tobias expected him to pull out his phone and type out a quick text. But he just stood there like an idiot.
"Well? Aren't you going to contact him?"
"Already done." Felix tapped his temple. "Telepathy, remember? Those in the pack can communicate with each other over long distances through the pack link."
"Right." He'd entirely forgotten about that minor tidbit. "Where do you usually patrol?"
"I cover the entire territory once and then double back to make sure that I didn't miss anything. The entire journey takes about one and a half hours, if I run. Two hours tops. Is that okay?"
"Yes," Tobias said, anticipating the oncoming shift, fiddling with the coin as he waited.
He watched unblinkingly at Felix, who was retreating into the cover of a nearby bush and hunkered down, so that only his head was visible. At first he questioned the purpose of it, until he saw the guy start to remove his clothing and quickly understood. Tobias recalled his wolf being abnormally large, shifting would no doubt ruin his nice clothes. He respectfully averted his gaze, even though Felix was barely seen through the thick bush.
All was fine and well, until he heard the first crack of bones. Flinching violently at the unnerving sound, Tobias scrunched his eyes shut. Hands clenched into fists, the coin's carvings imprinting on his palm. When the sounds continued and only grew worse with each passing second, it was all he could do to withstand it without clamping his hands over his ears.
Broken bones were by far the worst injuries Tobias had ever accumulated. And to hear it in such proximity and close succession... his entire body trembled.
You're okay, Tobias. Felix is okay. His bones has to break to form a new shape. There's no way around it, and at this point, I'm sure he's used to it, said Chase, trying to reassure him.
Just because he's used to it, doesn't lessen the pain, Chase...
Suddenly, the forest fell silent. No cracking of bones, no chirping birds or chattering critters... The forest was completely void of any sound. And that scared Tobias to the core. So much so that he leapt in fright when something wet and warm nudged against his clenched fist. Heart beating in his ears like a drum, Tobias wrenched his eyes open, only for his lips to part as well. A small gasp leaving them.
Whoa... Chase breathed.
A large wolf stood before him, reaching his chest level in height. It had a coat the darkest shade of brown, the color of tree bark. Useful for camouflage amongst the foliage. Paws the size of dinner plates, lined with claws similar to the knives served with them but curved inwards. Ears perked up, and black eyes staring imploring at Tobias. Long plumy tail wagging slowly, hesitant to do much more.
When Tobias remained speechless, it whined lowly, deep down in it's throat. The wolf lowered itself to the ground to appear less intimidating, careful not to make any sudden moves. It put it's head on it's paws, ears flattened and continued to whine. Staring up at him with intelligent black eyes.
He... really does behave like an overgrown puppy, Tobias couldn't help but think.
Chase laughed at that. He's trying to show you that he's not a threat. His wolf is so gorgeous! I can't wait for us to shift! Touch him! He encouraged.
Obliging to Chase's innocent request, Tobias kneeled on the grass beside the wolf and placed a cautious hand on top of his head. Feeling the soft brown fur. Felix's wolf instantly leaned into his hand, panting lightly with it's tongue out. Almost as if he was smiling.
Oh he definitely is.
I figured as much, Tobias said, lightly smiling himself. He proceeded to pamper the overgrown puppy with generous pets.


Anyone else noticed how adorable Felix is? No?




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