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The chattering of the children can be heard inside the small classroom in a small village located on Mt. Zeltron in Dezoven Kingdom.

"Sir! What is this 'primis book' you are talking about?" a little boy cheerfully said while raising his left hand.

"Yeah, we are curious about what that thing is!" the other kid exclaimed as she jumps around.

Their teacher couldn't help but chuckle due to the overload of cuteness he was witnessing. "Alright alright," he said while gesturing the children to sit down on the floor in front of him.

The children immediately followed him and prepared their ears to listen.

"This primis book is said to be the first ever book in our world; it was made by the first person who existed," the teacher began as he created a book figure made of ice on his right hand.

The children, on the other hand, watched their teacher with amusement.

"Wow, teacher is so good! I want to be an ice-user too," one of them said, receiving some nods from his fellow students.

"Sir!" a little girl raised her right hand, "Where can we find that book?"

Their teacher smiled, then handed the book figure he made to one of his students before answering. "Well, unfortunately, no one knows where this book is currently located. So, for now, this is just a rumor; but if it is not, that would be really amazing," he finished.

"Woah!" the children said in unison.

"If that book is true, I will surely get it," one of the children stated as she nudged her elbow to her friend on her right side. "Right, Kyla?" she asked while grinning.

Kyla looked at her, then nodded her head. "You do really love adventures, Sophia," she said while smiling.

But that smile immediately left her face when the ground suddenly started to shake rapidly.

Screams and the loud footsteps of the other children and teachers can be heard in the hallway.

"Earthquake!" one of the children yelled in panic as he let go of the book figure he was holding, and the object shattered on the ground.

The children stood up; fear was written all over their faces. Their teacher stood up as well, trying to calm them down. He then used his ice power to create a shield surrounding his students to prevent them from getting hurt by the falling objects.

They were about to leave the room when the door suddenly opened and a tall, hooded figure appeared.

"Ryker," the hooded figure darkly said while staring at the teacher, whose eyes are wide from shock.

Sophia stepped forward, "Sir Ryker, do you know him? If so, can you continue your conversation outside?" she asked while trying to balance herself.

The ground is still shaking rapidly, and the children started to feel dizzy.

"I see, you chose to become a low-class teacher. How pathetic!" the hooded figure scoffed.

"What do you want?" Ryker finally spoke.

"You," the hooded figure didn't hesitate to answer, and suddenly teleported in front of the teacher.

The children's eyes widened in shock at what they were currently witnessing.

The hooded figure suddenly holds a sword that is pierced through their teacher's chest.

Ryker coughed up some blood, "H-how did-"

The hooded figure went closer to his left ear, "You get weaker, Ryker. Rest in hell," he whispered as he violently pulled his sword.

Ryker's body immediately met the ground. "D-draco, y-you will p-pay for t-this," he managed to say, before his eyes closed and his breathing stopped; the ice shield he made for the children to protect them disappeared.

"How is a dead body going to take some revenge?" the hooded figure coldly said while staring down at his dead body.

"Sir!" the children yelled, and they immediately went to their teacher's lifeless body, ignoring the fact that the man who murdered their teacher was just right beside them.

"Tsk," the hooded figure looked at the children in disgust. "Noisy weaklings," he muttered while raising his sword, then swiftly stabbed one of the children in the back.

"R-run," the kid who had been stabbed said to his classmates before he fell to the ground beside his teacher.

The children looked at their classmate's body in fear; some of them began to cry, while others vomited. They just froze in their spots.

The hooded figure snapped his fingers, and the ground stopped shaking. "Dezovenian children are really weak, just like their ancestors," he grumbled.

"L-let's get out of here," Kyla stuttered, trying to convince her classmates who were crying.

She saw the hooded figure raise his sword once again, and she knew that he would stab one of her classmates, and she didn't want that to happen again.

"Kyla, we are all going to die!" Sophia said in panic.

Since they are very young, they still don't know what their powers are or how to use them.

Kyla suddenly ran towards the man who murdered her teacher and friend; she immediately kicked him in the groin. The man himself fell on his knees and let go of his sword.

"You little piece of shit," he said irritatedly.

"Run!" Kyla shouted.

Her classmates immediately obeyed what she said and ran outside the classroom. She was about to follow them when the hooded figure held her arm tightly.

"Let me go!" Kyla yelled while punching his hand that was gripped on her arm.

"Kyla!" Sophia yelled and stopped in the doorway.

Kyla stopped punching and looked at her friend. "J-just go! Don't mind me!"


"Just go!" Kyla shouted much louder.

Sophia stepped backward and nodded her head before leaving the place and following the others.

The hooded figure stood up and said, "You chose death." He took his sword once again and intently glared down at the girl.

Tears began to show up in Kyla's eyes. "Don't hurt me," she mumbled, closing her eyes and waiting for the immense pain as well as death.

But the next thing that happened was the exact opposite of what she was thinking.

Kyla opened her eyes when she feels that the hooded figure suddenly let go of her arm. Without any doubt, she immediately ran outside the classroom and follow her fellow students.

The hooded figure watched as the girl he just let go ran for her life.

'What just happened?' he thought, while giving a glance to the sword on his hand.

'What was that strange presence I felt from that kid?' he heavily sighed, then looked through the window.

He took the hood off his head and ran his fingers through his black hair. He watched as the children ran away from the school, and his sight focused on a certain girl he had just held earlier.

'Who is she?'

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