Chapter 5 - Dilimto Kingdom

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"What's the matter, cat got your tongue?" the young man snickered.

"Shut up!"

"Oh, I won't."

"You are really stubborn, aren't you?"


Kyla massaged her temple. "Rich people like you are one of society's problems," she stated.

The other passengers heard their conversation and were shocked by her reply. One thing is for sure; she's in deep trouble.

The young man scoffed, "Are you from another kingdom? You're not really conscious of your surroundings."

"Hah, are you lost, mister? We are in the Dezoven Kingdom!"

With her words, she heard gasps coming from the other passengers, which made her feel puzzled. The young man in front of her couldn't help but chuckle.

"Oh, I didn't know you were also a clown," he emphasized the last word, expecting some rant from her, but much to his surprise, it never came.


'She is just one of these stupid people; it is just that she is a loud brat,' he thought, sighing in disappointment.

"Anyways! I don't know what that word is, but let me tell you," she said, her index finger pointing towards him.

"Even though this is my first time going outside the forest, I know for sure that we are in Dezoven Kingdom. Of course I know where I came from! For everyone's sake, I was born here!" she exclaimed before crossing her arms together.

As expected, gossiping started again between passengers. Her loud voices just echo throughout the carriage they are currently in.

"Dezoven? You are in the Dilimto Kingdom, idiot," he snorted.

Kyla stared at him in bewilderment and was about to say something again, but was stopped by the young man who raised his hand.

"Stop talking," he said to her, to which she obliged since the tone of his voice changed.

'What now?' she thought.

"I think it is better to not meddle with the others' conversation," he said loud enough for the others to hear.

"If you really value your lives," he darkly said, trying to warn the other passengers who were gossiping, which he hadn't liked at all since the beginning, but his eyes still focused on the girl in front of him.

"I suggest you mind your own business, and if you have nothing useful to say, just shut your mouth before I take your own lives," he finished.

And in an instant, the passengers stay silent and mind their own business. The young man has the ability to take their lives with a single command. He is free to kill them whenever and however he pleases.

Kyla just looked at him with wide eyes; the words that just left his mouth don't sound like jokes at all. He is really serious, and she could tell as well that he is capable of doing mass murder. Just who the hell is this guy sitting in front of her? She eagerly wants to know now.

The young man noticed her being uncomfortable after hearing his words; he was already expecting that to happen. It always happens to the people he meets.

He lowered his hand before speaking. "You can talk now," he calmly said, ignoring the fact that he just made the whole carriage fall silent.

"Uh," she coughed. "Did you just..."

"Ignore my words, for they are not meant for you. It is for the others who I think already have a habit of gossiping about something they shouldn't be dwelling with," he explained, but keeps his dark tone that still scares her.

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