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Before The Dinner


"I can't believe that I agreed to this," Klaus complains as he sees his mother cook. It was the day of the dinner that his mother, Malena, had planned to see if peace could be made between her family and the Scooby gang. 

"Nik," Malena warned her son as she finished taking the chicken from the oven. "You promised."

Klaus sighs, "I know, mother."

Malena grabs some sauce with a wooden spoon and extends it to her son, "Try this."

Klaus walks toward his mother and eats some of the sauce that is on the spoon, "It's very good. Taste better than in the ones in some restaurants." 

Malena smiles, "Thank you. I learned it on the internet about an hour ago."

"I smell food," Jacob says as he walks into the kitchen with a smile on his face.

"Of course, you smell food. You're like hungry, hungry hippo," Lilliana says as she walks from behind Jacob and walks to her mother, giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"I am not a hippo!"

Lilliana shrugged at her brother's words before going into the fridge and grabbing a couple of blood bags and handing one to Klaus. "Thank you," Klaus thanks his sister.

"What are you going to do today? Besides the dinner that we are all attending later," Lilliana asks Klaus since she hasn't really talked to him much.

"I was going to show Jacob around town for a bit before we continued researching how to find Henrik and Freya."

"I'll join you both since I have nothing to do."

Jacob groans, "Why don't you hang out with Rebekah?"

"Because Rebekah is going to help mother today. Elijah, Kol, and Finn are looking for more grimoires for mother. And I don't know what dad is doing today," Lilliana says before looking at her mother. "What is dad doing today?"

"Me, him, Rebekah, and your grandfather are going run some errands before dinner," Malena says as she takes out corn from the fridge.

"What errands?"

"You'll see, my sweet," Malena kisses her daughter's cheek. "Now, all of you run along," She shoos them out of the kitchen, making them lightly laugh.

Lilliana gives her mother a kiss on the cheek.

"See you later. Be careful," Klaus gives her a kiss on the cheek.

"Bye, mum," Jacob kisses her cheek. They all walk out of the kitchen.

Malena hears the front door close, making the release of a heavy breath. She looks at one of the blood bags that Lilliana left out. Malena hasn't drunk human blood since she was let out of the coffin.

"Ma'am?" A voice startles Malena from her thoughts. She turns to see one of the waiters with a towel wrapped around his hand, "Do you have a first aid kit?"

Malena looks at his hand, and the urge to drink his blood gets stronger every second. It took every ounce of her power to look away, "There should be one in the bathroom, down the hall." Malena points in the direction of the guest bathroom.

The gentleman nods in thanks and walks away.

"Keep it together, Malena. Keep it together," Malena mutters under her breath. She doesn't know what is happening to her lately, but the thought of drinking blood made her want her even more than ever.

"Mal, you okay?" Jardani's voice breaks Malena out of her thoughts.

Malena turns to look at her husband and forces a smile on her face, "I'm okay, my love."

Jardani gives her a look, 'I know when you're lying', "Sweetheart, I thought we had no secrets."

Malena sighs, "It's just.... the blood. The hunger is stronger than before."

"Should we be worried?" Jardani asked his wife because he did not want to immediately assume that his wife's thirst was getting out of control. No one knew his wife's body and mind better than herself.

Malena shook her head, "I'll be fine, my love."

Jardani slightly turned his head and saw the blood bag that was left out. "Have you tried?" He gestures towards the bag.

"No, I'm nervous."

"You? Malena Morningstar, nervous?"

Malena playfully hits her husband's shoulder, "Shut it. You don't know how it feels."

"I know, my love," Jardani wraps his arms around her waist and pulls her close to him. "You've haven't been nervous since you were pregnant for the first time."

"Yes, well, I was able to manage even though you were late," Malena narrows her eyes at her husband.

"Your father made me late," Jardani told her as he recalled the task that Lucifer sent him on that day.


Jardani sighs, "You're right. You're always right, my love."

Malena smiles at him before pecking his lips.

"Uh, uh," Jardani mutters as his wife tries to pull away. He pulled her back to him and kissed her lips softly, which she immediately complied with.

"Ew, gross," Rebekah's voice interrupts, making them pull away. "Not the first sight I want to see in the morning."

"Morning, sweetheart," Malean walks over to her daughter, giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"Morning, mum. Morning, father," Rebekah greets her parents.

"How'd you sleep?"

"Not too bad, just waiting for this dinner to be over with later."

"Rebekah, it won't be that bad," Jardani tells his daughter, handing her a blood bag.

"I have to stay in a room with the doppelgänger that pretended to be my friend and stabbed me in the back. It will be torture for me."

"Don't worry, Beks. After tonight, we won't have to worry about her or any of them, and we will settle the issue of her stabbing you," Malena tells her daughter.

Before Rebekah could respond, the sound of Lucifers yelling erupts throughout the house.

"I FOUND THEM!!" Lucifers yells as he walks into the kitchen. "Took awhile, but I found d them."

"Found who?" Rebekah asks in confusion.

Malena smiles at her daughters question.

"You'll see."

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