Chapter 4

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'Are you taking your diet as prescribed?' —Meera asked with a worried face. He didn't look like he was following what I had given to him. His health wasn't supposed to deteriorate.

'You aren't, right? You need to strictly follow the chart for your health to be up again. This carelessness will not help you in the long run.' —I continued as I come to a stop near his bed.

'I am going to write you a few new things. You have to include them in your diet. But for now, just take a rest.'

With that, I continued my round around the general ward. Being a nutritionist is not easy, as I have mentioned. It is impossible to keep the track of number of patients who just leave the diet midway. I studied for six years, not for them to just throw away the diet I have curated with so much love and care for them.

'Uncle, feeling better?' I asked the old man who was here yesterday and is going home this evening. 'Apna khyaal rakhiye, dawaai aur diet theek se lete rehena.'

[Hindi translation — Take care, take your medicines and diet on time.]

With another two patients, my shift came to an end. It was a tiring day. Without even getting a moment of peace, the peon informed me that Sir needed me, the head of the department. This was not my full-time job, I also was a sort of professor on alternate days. It does get hectic at times but I love it.

'Sir, you called for me?' I asked as I entered his cabin.

'Have a seat, Meera.' He offered with a gentle smile.

'You have done a pretty commendable job. I am very proud of you. I want you to check on the patient in bed number 12, he is just out of surgery. Just dig up his history and make a diet chart.'

'Sure, sir.'

. . .

It was exhausting to travel back in an autorickshaw after a tiring day. Sitting in the auto, I take out my always-tangled earphones and a sad Maana Ke Hum Yaar Nahin plays, and even though it is a sad song, it does lift my mood. Well, Delhi's traffic is not the bad thing one can experience.

'Maa, I am home.' And once again the house was too quiet and there she was in her room working on some random list, stressed as always.

'You know, it will affect your cervical right? Take a break.'

'The wing in charge needs it by the end of the day. I don't have a moment.' I sigh entering her room. This woman never rests. It is either the house or the school or me or even the society but never her. What's with women and the need for self-sacrifice? I walk to stand behind her as I massage her neck, from the bottom of her scalp to her shoulders, hoping it would soothe her.

'How was work today?' — She asks

'It was...eventful. I got appreciated and it felt good.'

'That's pleasant to my ears. Way to go, Meera.'

'Now, it's really late. Go to sleep, Maa. you'll burn yourself out.' I say as I move toward my room. I turn around to see her again before retiring for the night. I wish her a 'good night' and moved to my room.

Well, Khushi hadn't called me today. Considering it was Tuesday, she might still have it together but after tomorrow it is going to be utterly chaotic. It almost takes an hour for me to settle right into the covers and get comfortable. Today, was normal except here I was waiting for a text. Without any surety that I will be getting any. Why did have to think that, here my phone was ringing, Khushi was calling me.

'Hello' I really tried to bring enthusiasm to my voice but I was tired and it was kind of late.

'Stop with the trying, Meera. How old do you think I am? I know you.'

'Okay, what do want? I am tired.'

'Nothing, in particular, I was missing you.'

'I miss you too.'

With that, she hangs up. It's like we need each other to get through to the end of the day. It's sweet. I like it and I love her. It was a tiring day, I just wanted to go to sleep beyond this point when he messaged. He messaged me.

How was your day, Miss Meera? That was thoughtful and a little too casual or is it just me? What am I supposed to reply? It was eventful? My boss praised me today.

It was eventful. Okay, I started with that, and it was really nothing. I loved my job but I had things on my mind.

Just eventful? Well, that's a bit sad.

Well, that's me. What about you? How was your day?

Well, I am on holiday. No work to do.

Why on a holiday, Mr. Sengupta?

Well, it is my best friend's wedding. Wouldn't want to miss it.

Are you coming on Friday?

At the engagement? Sure, are you?

Of course, it is my best friends' wedding too.

Well, see you then.

See you.

. . .

It was Wednesday. Her engagement was almost here and I have to look good. I will buy those silver jhumkas that tick back into your hair. I would look gorgeous in my maroon anarkali. I can't decide on heels. I have decided I am wearing heels. What else do you expect of a five-feet-two woman? Being twenty-five is considered a woman, right? Keeping that aside, I needed to freshen up and carry on with my day. My job, specifically. I had a class to teach today.

Online teaching just kind of makes you lazy in kinds of ways one can't even imagine like getting half dressed but I like getting dressed up, it cheers me up. And even the eye strain but the upside is it is only an hour. Following that I have a regular lecture at a university.

'Hey, how're the preparations coming around.' I saw Siddharth on my way to the college. He is actually pretty nice for my Khushi. I like him.

'They are. Looking forward to seeing you there.' 


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What do you think about Siddharth?

And Siddharth and Khushi together?

Meera Aggarwal?

And do tell if you want a character chart or something. I will keep updating it time to time.

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