2. Blowjobs and Fear

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Chapter word count: 11784


The hot morning sun is annoyingly bright - too bright for Larry's liking as the glowing yellow rays peak through the small gap between the dark fabric curtain and the large window, the light landing directly onto Larry's face and rudely awakening Larry from his otherwise peaceful slumber.

A heavy wave of fatigue washes over him, crushing his body as his weary eyes slowly flutter open, squinting from the bright sunlight that disturbed his sleep. He begrudgingly wakes up, his heavy body barely able to remain awake as he desperately craves to fall back into that sweet slumber but the obnoxious sun continues to shine on his face, preventing him.

The soft sheets were warm against their skin, the air surrounding them cool as the ceiling fan rapidly spun, providing relief from the unforgiving hot sun. Large and somewhat muscled arms are wrapped around Larry's smaller body, holding him closely from behind as he feels a shadow of warmth pressed against his bare back.

There's a gentle breath that tickles his skin, his hairs rising at the gentle feeling as small goosebumps form on his skin. He quickly realizes it's Tanner whose face is pressed up against the back of his neck, his short stubble scratchy yet ticklish against the smooth surface. He ignores the way his heart swoons.

Larry immediately gets lost in his mind, his surroundings becoming a heavy blur as quick, flashing images of the previous night run through his head, a pot of emotions sitting within him as he recalls their sexual encounter.

Images of Larry sitting on Tanner's lap soar across his busy mind which was soon followed by a series of arousing memories that consisted of Larry's back arching, panting, and thrusting as he revels over the poisonous kisses that were burned into his skin.

The reminder has Larry's face blushing a deep red, his cheeks crimson as he attempts to replace those thoughts with anything else but his mind wouldn't budge, stuck on that night as it replayed it over and over again.

He inhales a small breath, his tired eyes swaying over to Tanner's large hands, his mind finally coming to the realization they slept in the same bed - something that shouldn't be such a big deal. The fact they shared a bed that night shouldn't be such a surprising concept, especially with what they did a few hours prior to them drifting asleep. However, a big part of Larry honestly figured that Tanner would've returned to his own room at some point in the night.

That being said, he doesn't mind his presence.

The sheets were warm and soft against his skin, the pillows cool as the frigid air kept the heat at bay. He liked the comfort of the bed, liked the way Tanner's arms felt draped around him as they held him close. He likes the way Tanner's chest was pressed against his back, ass to crotch as his body's intense warmth radiated towards Larry, his scent strong and familiar. He liked Tanner's warm breath tickle his skin, his soft breathing hitting the back of his neck as Tanner softly snored.

He tries to ignore how much he likes it. He was unsuccessful in his attempt.

The heavy languor continued to overtake his body, the overwhelming feeling still present as it weighs him down. It grows increasingly difficult to keep his eyes open so he decides to close them and attempt to fall back asleep. It was easier said than done, the orange sun sitting high in the sky, no clouds to block out the intense rays that prevented the relaxation he craved. He'd prefer to fall asleep and have Tanner wake up first while in this position but that didn't seem possible right now.

Except, Larry has bad luck, and he feels Tanner's body begin to subconsciously shift on the bed, adjusting his position but his arms remaining securely wrapped around Larry. His legs shift, tangled with Larry's which causes for Tanner's crotch to press tightly against Larry and that's when he feels it.

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