5. Makeout Sessions and Conversations

964 17 15

Chapter word count: 7811

short chapter sorry :(


The warm summer breeze hits his face as the bright setting sun shines directly on it, his brown eyes glowing and squinting in result. It's hot, the light wind cooling him off from the humid air grounding him and bringing him back to reality, Tanner on his mind. This feels familiar, deja vu hitting him.


Fucking Tanner stuck on his mind, his dumb pretty face flashing in his head whenever he blinks. Larry can't stop thinking about him, can't stay away from him. He's all he thinks about and all he wants, feeling sick to his stomach as his heart aches, pining for his friend. He's becoming more obvious with his feelings too and he feels as though his friends may be catching on but that was just his paranoia talking. It was also within reason.

The two have become almost inseparable at this point — the pair attached to the hip, growing even closer than before. They were always together in one way or another, somehow always finding a way to touch each other — it didn't go unnoticed.

It'd range from simple actions as Tanner sweetly playing with Larry's hair, his hands running through the thick dark locks. Sometimes it'd be Tanner's arms snaking around Larry's waist and pulling the boy closer towards him, holding him almost possessively — Larry didn't mind.

Sometimes it'd be small, mindless actions like Larry leaning his head on Tanner's shoulder for comfort, sometimes hiding his face in his shirt. Other times, it'd be Larry sitting on Tanner's lap, Tanner's arms wrapping around his stomach and holding him in place.

That wasn't the main thing that was drawing their friends attention and causing Larry that dumb paranoia. Their flirty comments were increasing more and more, Tanner's usual flirty comments going beyond their normal banter and more towards questionable territory. Tanner would flirt with Larry, saying something a little over the top and maybe a little too sexual which causes for their friends to sharply turn their heads in reaction, wide eyed in shock and confusion — that wasn't a common reaction.

It would raise more silent questions when Larry would either laugh it off, blush, or respond in a similar manner, never acknowledging their friends reactions, the two in their typical small bubble, ignoring the outside world where they were the only two who mattered.

Maybe it's dumb but Larry was making an effort to hide this part of their relationship (if you can even call it that) — to hide their late night and early morning sexual activities and be as discreet as possible. It was proving difficult with his growing feelings for his friend, struggling to hide the strong affection he held for Tanner, unable to push away these feelings.

The simple touches, their constant cuddling, their longing looks, their continued fucking — it was making it so much more difficult for Larry to deal with it. Larry couldn't handle his fluttering stomach, bursting heart, and loud scattered mind every time he was near Tanner. It killed him whenever their hands would brush or whenever Tanner would touch his waist, or even smile at him. He felt so pathetic.

The pair just seemed more connected, more in touch with each other, their chemistry off the charts. Their friends definitely noticed that part but never commented on it. There was no reason to.

Besides that, no one seemed to notice their recent developments with each other — never noticing the faint purple marks that littered his neck and collar bone, never noticing how he'd walk a little funny in the mornings, or how they'd walk out of the same bedroom each morning.

It only piques Larry's curiosity, has him racking him brain and wondering if his friends were truly too stupid to connect the dots. Maybe they didn't care enough too, too engrossed in their own relationships to pay attention to others. Were they that good at hiding it? He doubts it. Either way it doesn't matter — at least they didn't know.

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