3. Lips and Revelations

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Chapter word count: 10937


Larry's body feels heavy, fatigue washing over him as he covers his mouth with his hands, silently yawning as he trails behind his friends, his pace comparatively slower. Yumi mimics his pace, walking with Larry and keeping him company despite making no conversation. He yawns shortly after Larry did, the action contagious.

The black vehicle beeps, the sound indicating the car was securely locked, Nick promptly shoving his keys into his pocket, a significant distance between him and Larry as his pace appeared to be faster, Isaac walking next to him.

The weather was actually enjoyable for once, the golden glowing sun emitting heat in the clear sky actually being quite enjoyable as the humidity that was present in the air wasn't as torturous to deal with. It was borderline bearable — the cool gentle breeze that hit their skin enough to cool them off, the small wind being the only factor that kept the group from melting and succumbing to the harsh heat.

The addition of the boys having just completed one of their full body workouts wasn't doing them much favors as the hot yellow sun rays burned through them. Their quick shower at the gym almost felt useless, the boys sweating in result of the thick humid air as they were all on their way to grab a bite to eat, the rush of the workout still flowing through them.

Larry's energy shifted between high and low, his body unable to choose as the small amount of adrenaline ran through his veins. It wasn't enough to wake him up, to regain that energy and get rid of the fatigue that was dragging him down. In result, his pace was slow, unable to keep up with his friends, Yumi taking notice and walking with him and keep him company — he appreciated it.

Larry wasn't sure where they were actually headed, the only information he was given was that they were on their way to grab a bite to eat, the group hungry after their productive workout, small complaints from Isaac and Tanner kick starting their quest for food. He knew there was some bickering involved, Larry hearing names of restaurants being thrown around but not actually knowing what was decided on.

It was to Larry's surprise when they approach and enter a fairly small and unknown diner that was somewhat close to their gym. It was unfamiliar to Larry, the place clearly local but seemingly opened for many years as indicated by their sign. He follows his friends inside the small restaurant, a wave of cool frigid air immediately hitting their overheated bodies and cooling them off from the cruel, summer sun.

They're met with the intense smell of coffee and syrup as the ambient sound of chatter fills the room, the place not as full as one would expect. The boys are gathered at the front of the restaurant, awaiting the hostess for direction on where to sit.

A heartful laugh is heard from Isaac's general direction, the familiar sound very clearly belonging to his taller friend who was shamelessly leaned up against the front table, engrossed in an inaudible conversation with Tanner who returned the laugh. His amber eyes shift between his two friends until a fairly short lady wearing the restaurants uniform approaches their group and leads them to a booth near the back end of the diner.

The old, small diner was fairly empty and not as busy as one would expect. The restaurant was quite empty which was actually quite nice, especially since they were seated farther away from the more populated area. The mustard wallpaper were an eyesore and not much of a contrast against the wooden tables and pink seats, the restaurant very obviously designed years ago by someone who probably didn't have much experience in interior design.

Larry sits on the edge of the booth, leaning forward onto the brown table, resting his tired face onto his palms and Nick takes a seat next to him, his arms resting around the booths back rest. Isaac expectedly sat beside Nick.

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