6. Love and Fear

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Chapter word count: 20121

my fave chapter!!


The sound of wheels scraping the smooth cement fill the air, images of people skating on ramps and performing simple tricks flash by him, Larry watching silently.

If he was being honest, this wasn't Larry's first choice - being at the skate park that is, but some of their friends they reunited with requested they hang out here for a couple hours to skate and hang out, the group agreeing with little protest.

The skate park wasn't too full, likely due to the dramatically hot weather, the bright sun never seemingly resting. Only a couple people were skating or at least learning how to, Larry watching the way they'd go up and down the half pipe, the image distracting him, quickly zoning out.

Skating was a lot harder than he'd thought it be, Larry never realizing how much of a bad skater he was until stepping on the board for the first time only a few minutes ago, attempting to ride and perform simple tricks and nearly falling in result. Larry never thought he'd wobble so much, never realizing how much balance he lacked.

If he was being honest, it was a little embarrassing the lack of skill he held for something that looked so easily done on the surface. It was especially embarrassing that he was surrounded by more experienced skaters who made it look a lot easier than it really was. Larry dealt with it regardless, chuckling with his friends at his own failed attempts until eventually giving up and sitting on the half pipe, Larry running his hand through his hair.

Tanner was next to him, leaning back on his palms as he glances over at Larry, a small smile resting on his face as he watched the way the light breeze blew his long black locks onto his face. Larry never noticed his soft eyes.

The sun has been relentlessly hot the past few weeks, no rest from the scorching heat emitting from the burning star, the small breeze doing little to help cool them off. In hindsight, Larry wearing his somewhat baggy jeans and borrowing one of Nick's black t-shirts probably wasn't the smartest idea but it was too late to do anything about that.

The outdoor skate park wasn't as chaotic or intimidating as it initially seems, everyone mostly minding their own business and doing their own thing, some of them actually quite helpful. It was a little relaxing if he's being honest - watching as some of the boys and girls skate up the half pipe, the sound pulling him in, the motion keeping him interested.

He would've never have willing chosen the skate park as an option if some of their newer friends hadn't suggested it, practically begging to go, wanting to teach Nick how to skate and do tricks that he'd probably fail. He never thought he'd enjoy it as much as he currently is.

Their friends were eager to teach the group how to skate, one of their friends passing Larry their board earlier in the day, wanting him to at least try. So he did, Larry hopping onto the board and following their instructions. However, it unfortunately wasn't that helpful as Larry was quick to lose his balance, not retaining any of the tricks explained to him step by step. It was still fun, Larry having a good time despite nearly falling a couple times.

Larry smiled at the events from several minutes ago, comfortably sitting on the top of the half pipe, watching intently as the skaters performed their tricks, intrigued by how easy they made it look.

His eyes trail around the park, zoning out as he follows the movement of the boards that move around them, ignoring the heat that washed over his body. Larry catches glimpse of a dark haired boy skate by, their eyes meeting for a brief second, the boy flashing him a smile.

Maybe it was weird but there was a specific dark haired boy who wore a simple pair of shorts and ordinary black tee that stood out to him, his amber eyes glowing from the sun. He would've blended into the background with everyone else if it wasn't for him constantly smiling at him whenever he walked past Larry, even going as far as winking at him at some point. He didn't even realize it was directed at him.

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