♡ Chapter 8 ♡

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Jungkook walked through the book shelves. He was at the library, one of the places he barely visits. But now he finds it more interesting than ever because his mate visits there regularly. So he also started to visit there to enjoy his mate's presence. Just by looking at her, staying near her made him feel like home. He sees nothing worse than to be without her because, with her, he feels complete; she is the other half of him.

Jungkook started to like this place. He understood why y/n always came here. The library was bewitching with towering shelves, dim lighting, and the musty scent of aged books that seemed to transport its visitors to a different time and place. It felt like entering a hall full of the smell of paper and magic was a treat for the mind. One can drown in the ocean of tranquility. The whole aura of space is as peaceful as nature. A long, stretching room full of piles of information captured in the pages is truly mesmerizing.

Jungkook loved the smell of the books. He sniffed the air, feeling y/n's sweet scent mixed with the smell of the books. He felt that his mate was near; he could even hear his mates' small foot steps tapping on the wooden floor. He felt like a stalker, but he couldn't stop himself from following her around, and he always respected her personal space.

Jungkook got lost in his own world a little bit. Without even realizing it, his body collided with a small figure. Jungkook felt his body frozen. His mind went blank. His body went numb as he stumbled back a little, making his back hit the book shelf. He pushed his arms around the figure's waist, gripping it tightly, careful not to hurt—without letting the little figure fall.

Jungkook felt his heart do a flip inside his chest. His mate was in his arms. The moment their bare skin touched each other, Jungkook felt something like an electric shock go through his body. He was on cloud nine. His arms were around his mate's waist while she grabbed his bicep gently to keep her steady. She looked so small in his arms. Jungkook didn't want anything but to protect her at any cost.

Jungkook almost got drunk on her scent. He felt dizzy in a good way. Jungkook heard his inner wolf purr inside his head. His mate was so close to him. For the first time, she was in his arms—where she belonged and where she would always be safe. Maybe she didn't know it yet. However, Jungkook could even smell the rose-scented shampoo in her hair. He wanted nothing but to bury his nose in her hair and enjoy the feeling. But he couldn't, at least not yet. They pulled away a little bit, and Jungkook looked down at y/n and y/n looked up at him through the hair that fell on her forehead; she was still in his arms. Jungkook almost drowned in those eyes. He couldn't help but slowly raise his hand and caress her hair a little, pushing the hair that fell on her forehead behind her ear.

He untangled his fingers from her hair as his hand slowly found its way back to the curves of her hips. He felt home. He wished he could bury his face in her neck and stay like that even for a few seconds. But he slowly let her go, helping her back to her feet. The moment she slipped away from his arms, he felt empty without her in his arms. Jungkook has already started to miss her warmth.

Jungkook's lips curled up into a smile when he saw y/n's face get dusted with pink, he felt giddy inside. She shyly smiled at him while blushing. "I am so sorry; I didn't see you." Y/n smiled sweetly at him.

"Oh, no, I was the one who wasn't looking around while walking. I am sorry." Jungkook quickly said, as he almost stuttered. "I almost got lost among these book shelves." Jungkook chuckled to himself. "Oh really? What kind of book are you searching for? Maybe I can help you." She said with a kind smile on her face. "Ammm, literature maybe?" Jungkook said while rubbing the back of his neck shyly. "Oh, you are completing the assignment our literature teacher gave us, right?" Y/n said. "Our?" Jungkook looked confused. "You are in the same class as me, right? Or did I get you wrong?" she asked. "You noticed me?" Jungkook asked with a small voice. "Errrr yes? You sit behind me almost in every class, right?" Y/n looked at Jungkook with wide eyes. "Oh yes, yeah, that's me," Jungkook said while chuckling. Even though he played cool, he was bursting with happiness inside as hope bloomed inside his heart. He smiled widely at her, showing his bunny teeth and the small dimples he had. Jungkook wanted to scream with happiness. Maybe he was overreacting, but he was so happy.

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