Part 5

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I close my eyes take a long deep sigh as soon as I am in the car and out of her sight. Since the time she has woken up, things have been... eventful. As I start driving, the memory of that day flashes vividly before me. It's as if I am being transported back in time, reliving the moment that altered the course of my life.

'The rain is falling steadily outside, creating a sombre ambience with its rhythmic tapping against the windowpane. The call came unexpectedly, shattering the tranquillity. The paramedics had found someone in critical condition and feared she wouldn't survive the journey to the hospital and asked if they could bring her to me instead. Without hesitation, I gave my consent. I swiftly performed the necessary emergency treatment, hoping that she would awaken the following day so I could transfer her to the hospital for proper admission. But fate had other plans. She remained trapped in a coma, her mind locked away from the world.'

The loud bang in the song, which I hadn't even realized was playing, snaps me back to the present. I switch off the radio, reminding myself that my extended stay here in Vermont was never part of the plan. This was meant to be a temporary detour, a few months before returning to my old life. Viola's awakening has changed that, and I must now refocus on my original objectives. Today's meeting must succeed at all costs.

I pull into the parking lot of one of the Vermont's luxurious hotels and take a deep breath to clear my thoughts. The lobby boasts a cozy blend of country and luxury aesthetics, with high ceilings, wooden décor, and inviting brown leather couches. Seraphina has done an excellent job selecting this place, I think to myself as I make my way to the reserved table.

The waitress serves me my fourth cup of espresso before finally Mr. Kozlov arrives 25 minutes later. "That's a lot of coffee my friend", "That's a lot of coffee, my friend," he remarks in his heavy Russian accent as he shakes my hand. He appears to be in his late 50s, with a less imposing frame than mine. However, his salt-and-pepper hair and beard add a few more years to his appearance. His square-framed glasses adorn greyish-brown eyes, and despite a few wrinkles, he still looks well off in his dark blue Tom Ford suit and a Vostok watch that seems too heavy for his wrist.

After ordering our drinks, he gets straight business and states, "The price you're asking, its too much. I need to pay taxes also to the government to take these to my country."

He must have clearly lost his common sense along with his ability to speak English! I hold back on my frustration before responding, After placing our orders, he gets straight to business. "The price you're asking is too much. I need to pay taxes to the government to transport these to my country."

I struggle to suppress my frustration before responding, "If you wish to negotiate, you can discuss it with Seraphina. I was under the impression that you came here to finalize the deal." His jaw tightens, and he emits a frustrated sigh of his own.

"I told the pretty lady I would pay a total of $43 million," he says stiffly, continuing, "she said to talk to you, and you would agree!"

Maintaining patience, I respond, "I'm sorry, Mr. Kozlov, but I don't believe the deal is viable anymore. I will arrange for your flight back home. I hope you have a pleasant stay in the States." With that, I rise from my seat and leave.

Outside, I promptly attempt to call Seraphina, but she does not answer. I send her a text, informing her of the cancelled deal. The valet approaches me, but I gently shake my head and make my way to the parking lot and head to the hospital.

Upon my arrival in Vermont, I never anticipated finding work for myself. However, my trip extended beyond my expectations, leading to my role as a consulting neurologist in a renowned rehabilitation center. Viola, too, had been admitted to the same facility before they could no longer accommodate her, leading me to bring her back to the manor. Although it's somewhat distant, my consulting position allows me the flexibility to avoid being at the hospital daily. It had been working well until Viola awoke.

Lately, I find myself reluctant to leave the manor at all. Linda had to take a few days off due to a sudden family tragedy, and I couldn't bring myself to inform Viola immediately upon her awakening. I fabricated a reason that I can scarcely recall at this point. I refuse to leave her alone in her current state; I can only imagine how isolated she must feel. The mere thought of it compels me to return as soon as possible and just thinking about it makes me want to rush back.

I wrap up my work as soon as possible, which isn't much and make a quick stop at the supermarket to buy groceries for dinner tonight. Once I am in the market, I retrieve my phone and call the manor's phone. After three rings, Viola answers, her voice quivering slightly in apparent surprise, likely due to the rarity of a phone ringing in the manor.

"Hello," she greets.

"Hey, it's me, Gabriel," I reply. "I called to check if you have any specific food preferences. I was at the supermarket."

"Oh, I'm sorry," she says with a hint of distress. "It took me a while to find the phone in this place, and I don't have any particular food preferences. I can't even remember what I used to like."

Instant regret washes over me for asking her that question. Attempting to lighten the mood, I say, "Alright, I'll be home soon. Don't starve in the meantime." She chuckles, and the sound warms my heart, reminding me of her laughter earlier in the day. I suppress the memories that threaten to resurface as I gather the ingredients and proceed to the checkout counter.

Right when I am about to leave, I get a text message from Linda stating she might not be able to continue as she has a lot to take care. I type in a quick message to let her know it's okay and then send her severance along with some extra money her way hoping it would help her before leaving the store. 

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