Part 7

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It's nearly sunrise when I awaken. The gentle symphony of chirping birds and a cool, refreshing breeze greets my senses. I make my way to the terrace, a sanctuary overlooking the lush forest. My first sip of freshly brewed steaming cup of black coffee brings a sense of tranquility. As the warmth of the beverage envelopes me, my thoughts drift back to the night before.

Viola and I had settled on watching "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind." It was a movie that seemed to resonate with her in some profound way. Although I'd watched it countless times, I had grown desensitized to its emotional depth. I often found myself analyzing its neuroscientific aspects, pondering the unlikeliness of a procedure that could map a human brain and erase memories. But last night, as the film concluded, I noticed tears glistening in Viola's eyes. Her emotional response rekindled my own connection with the movie's sentiments.

After I've savored the last remnants of my coffee, I instinctively reach for my phone, an eager anticipation tugging at my insides, awaiting a response from Seraphina. Yet, the screen remains devoid of her messages or calls. It's unusual for her not to reply promptly, and this gnawing sense of unease lingers. Pushing the thoughts aside, I decide it's time to take a shower and head to the hospital. My work at the facility has suffered since Viola's awakening, and the recent frustration of a failed deal had me hastening through my obligations, distracted and discomposed.

Before leaving for the hospital, I check on Viola. She's in a peaceful slumber. After ensuring her room is dimly lit and tranquil, I take a moment to admire her sleeping form. It's a delicate moment, but eventually, I summon the strength to depart. My day at the hospital consists of attending several meetings and reviewing patient cases. All the while, my thoughts intermittently return to Viola and Seraphina. I check my phone for any missed calls or messages, but the screen remains dishearteningly empty.

As the clock nears 6 PM, I wrap up my work and drive back to the manor. My intention is to purchase groceries for dinner, and I toy with the idea of calling Viola to inquire about her food preferences but hold back against it and just buy some fresh vegetable instead. However, as I pull into the driveway, a palpable shift in the atmosphere seizes me. The sensation grips me, a warning that something has gone awry. I hasten inside, my heart beating a little faster.

In the living room, my attention locks onto the sight of Seraphina seated elegantly on the same couch where Viola and I had watched a movie. Viola, on the other hand, seems bewildered, clearly unsure of how to react to this unexpected guest. My gaze shifts from one woman to the other until Seraphina notices me. Before I can utter a word, she rises and approaches me, a smile adorning her face. This spontaneous display of warmth is a rarity. She has never hugged me like this before. I instinctively look at Viola, before pulling away.

"Gabriel," Seraphina purrs, her voice laxed with something similar to poison, "Viola and I were just getting acquainted while we waited for your arrival. But it seems there are matters that require your attention. Shall we discuss them?"

My eyes flit to Viola again, who appears oddly disappointed. I'm at a loss, unsure of what Seraphina might have revealed to her. All I want at this moment is to provide Viola with an explanation, even though I'm uncertain of the precise cause of her discontent. After a moment's contemplation, I opt to address Seraphina first.

"Yes," I reply curtly, making sure my voice is devoid of any warmth. "Let's discuss it in my study."

Seraphina closes the door to my study behind her but doesn't take a seat. Her expression and demeanour now completely changed. "You shouldn't have come here," I growl, my voice laced with impatience and frustration.

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