[23.] BTS and TXT In Chicago

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TXT had just finished their practice performance on Chicago's stage. They remembered their fans, the rush of excitement, and the pure adrenaline from New York and couldn't wait for tomorrow's concert to feel it all again. They'd never forget or get tired of that feeling. But from something so exhilarating to something so nerve-wracking was quite the polar opposites in only a few minutes.

They were backstage in one of the waiting rooms patiently waiting for their seniors in BigHit to arrive. BTS themselves. Dao was calm and excited to catch a glimpse of her boyfriend, but the rest of her members were basically regretting life decisions with how nervous they were.

Though Dao had to keep reminding herself to not jump and squeal and run into Jin's arms when she saw him. TXT and BTS had met once before on camera but it was only briefly. The two groups barely knew one another and Dao had to keep up that act. She had to seem nervous and shy around them. Pretend like she didn't personally know them outside of the company, but most importantly no one could suspect anything going on between her and Jin.

If even one of them looked at the other for too long it could mean a possible Dispatch announcement. Not including the simple effect of the crazy smart fans and the netizens who had eagle eyes for anything and everything between idols. It didn't even have to be real or plausible. Just a glance in the wrong direction could start a rumor strong enough to arm an idol's haters with enough ammunition for their entire career.


"Hyung, please remember that when we meet TXT you have to act like she's just another member. You can't expose yourself. You need to keep a neutral face. Be friendly to them but not too friendly to her, okay? They're recording this."

"You've reminded me enough times, Namjoon-ah," Jin sighed at him.

"We're just trying to protect the both of you, hyung," Hobi reminded him.

"Exactly, remember the mess it was when Taehyungie was reported to have flirted with a fan?" Jimin asked.

"Yeah, hyung-nim. It's safer this way," Taehyung nodded with wide eyes.

He remembered that chaos like it was yesterday. He was also sure he had gotten PTSD from it. It was something that almost cost him his happiness. Something that almost took away the person he loved more than anyone else in the world. Taehyung couldn't bare to let his hyung feel even a second of the fear and sadness he had to back then.

"I know you're all worried about me, but I'll be fine," Jin reassured his members with a comforting smile and a small nod. "We talked about it before she left last week. We're both idols. We both have our reputations to protect and we're both professionals."

"Did you bring it up or did she?" Yoongi asked out of curiosity.

"She did," Jin replied. "Why?"

"She's younger than me but already so mature. You got lucky, hyung," Jungkook said.

"She already knows the spotlight life well," Jimin butted in. "We were texting the other day and she told me that she's been an actress since she was eleven. I'm sure she knows how to mask and fake things when she needs to."

"Really? An actress?" Taehyung asked getting excited. His eyes lit up and a boxy smile brightened his face. "What kind of stuff has she been in? Movies? Series?"

"I don't know," Jimin admitted. "We can look it up when we're done here and binge-watch something of hers."

"That sounds fun. I wonder if she's as good an actress as I am an actor?" Taehyung asked.

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