[28.] Dinner Catch Up

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The dinner idea flopped into takeaways instead when Dao remembered she was a hopeless cook. She also didn't want Boun or Prem to cook because they'd just endured a long plane ride for her. So ordering in it was. When she arrived at Neoul's apartment which might as well be hers now, she saw Boun and Prem cuddling on the couch. Before Boun had left the practice room, Dao had given him her spare key to the apartment so they could just let themselves in and wait.

"I'm here!" Dao announced, shutting the door closed and walking into the living room. "P'Prem!" she grinned happily.

Prem basically threw Boun off of him, scrambling to his feet and running over to Dao. He hugged her and she wrapped her arms around his neck, not being surprised when she was lifted off of the ground for a second. Boun quickly caught himself before he fell from the couch, but still somehow managed an adoring smile at the sight of his sister and her second brother.

"Nong Dao!" Prem exclaimed, setting her back down on her feet and creating some space between them to rest his hands on her shoulders. "Wow, look at you. Definitely an idol now, huh?"

"Why?" Dao laughed.

"Your hair, your skin, you even look fitter," Prem complimented. "You look good. How are you doing? Do you miss home? I know you missed me more than P'Boun, right?" he grinned cheekily.

Dao rolled her eyes fondly.

"Hey!" Boun shouted from behind the two.

"I missed you both equally," Dao said, saving herself from choosing sides but at the same time it was the truth. Boun was her biological brother but Prem was her chosen brother. They meant just the same in her eyes. "And yes, I miss Thailand like crazy! I can't wait to catch a break and go home for a few days."

The two separated and Prem fell down on the couch beside Boun again. Dao sat on the coffee table in front of them. A bad habit she'd picked up and that Jin scolded her for constantly. She didn't care though it was a surface and she could sit on it.

"How are Mom and Dad?" Dao asked, looking at Boun.

"They're fine. Missing you obviously," he said.

"Their health is okay? Mom hasn't gotten sick again, has she?" Dao asked worriedly. "And what about yours? Have you been to the doctor for your monthly check-ups?"

Boun smiled softly at his sister. He hoped she didn't stress too much about things in Thailand while she was here in Korea, but it was inevitable. He loved the concern though. But these were obviously things she was constantly worrying about. She probably wanted to ask them a million times whenever they spoke on the phone but restrained herself. Sometimes Dao was like that she seemed honest, blunt, and carefree in the moment but in reality and when she was alone she was an overthinker with constant 'what if' questions swirling around in her head.

"They're okay. Mom's okay. And I'm okay," Boun reassured.

"Trust me, I make sure of the last one," Prem said, making Boun scoff a laugh.

Dao smiled at the two feeling more relieved now.

"Wow, I missed you," she muttered. "Hia, how long are you staying in Korea?"

"Three days," both Boun and Prem answered.

Dao frowned instantly, even pouting at that.

Boun chuckled, leaning forward and pinching her cheeks playfully. She swatted his hands away and Prem just watched the two fondly.

"Don't act cute. It doesn't work on me," Boun said.

"Yes, it does," Dao protested.

"It does," Prem agreed.

Boun glanced between the two, feeling like it was a two-against-one situation. And he never liked those odds.

"Who's side are you on? Besides, we can't stay any longer. We start filming our new series next week," Boun reminded Prem.

"P'Prem are you in the series with P'Boun again?" Dao asked, not sounding surprised at all.

"Hm, we're always paired up it seems," Prem hummed.

"It's because of our amazing chemistry," Boun grinned slyly.

Prem only rolled his eyes, but slowly a tiny smile met his face.

"Okay," Dao laughed. "What are we eating tonight? I'll order us something. Anything you want."

"What do you normally order when you're alone?" Boun asked, knowing his sister couldn't cook to save her life.

"I usually have Yeonjun or Jin cooking for me," Dao admitted.

"Jin oppa," Boun teased her. "When is he coming back to Korea? I wanna meet him before Prem and I leave."

"Why?" Dao asked skeptically.

"I'm your big brother, why do you think?" Boun remarked.

"I don't know," she admitted. "You're not the overprotective type, hia, why do you want to meet him before you leave?"

"He's my sister's boyfriend. I may not be overprotective of you, but I'm still protective," Boun stated.

"Just tell him when your boy's coming back. I'm hungry," Prem complained, not the least bit interested in the conversation.

"In two days," Dao finally answered.

"Great, a day before we leave," Boun smiled in victory.

"Yay," Prem dryly cheered. "Now food... "

"Right," Dao said. "What about fried chicken and soda?"

Boun raised his eyebrows in surprise, "You're an idol."

"Yeah, and? A lot of idols eat fried chicken, actually, I don't think anyone in Korea doesn't it fried chicken unless they're vegan or allergic to it."

"What diet does your company have you on to eat something so unhealthy and still look like a stick figure?" Boun wondered. Back in Thailand, he had a whole routine to stay fit, healthy, and slender. Both for his personal health and also for his acting roles.

"It's called dancing, hia. It's something us idols do almost every single day," Dao retorted. "It's kind of in the job description. And also there are days when we can eat something and days when we can't eat something. We don't have a completely strict diet. But we can't eat something that'll make our skin break out or our faces swell if we're supposed to film later in the day or the next morning," she explained.

"Don't forget your sister has a fast metabolism," Prem reminded Boun.

"Right, I forgot," he nodded.

"Now can we order the fried chicken?" Prem asked. "I'm starving, please. If I knew Korean I'd order it myself but I don't. Hurry up brightest star before I become a skeleton."

"P'Prem since when are so dramatic?" Dao questioned, giggling and shaking her head.

"Since always," Boun muttered.

Dao smiled at the two before pulling her phone out and dialing the number to the restaurant she and her members always used when Yeonjun was too tired to cook for them. Or when they were trainees and Yeonjun was still learning to cook and mainly burned everything. Also when Dao stayed at the apartment and Jin wasn't available to come over and cook for her.

Wow, she should really think about taking cooking lessons from the two men in her life or simply sign up for a cooking class.

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