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By God! What's the shit happening in my life these days?
Did the forbes top 2 billionaire proposed me for the marriage?..?

Oh god... Oh god Iam dying..
Have nothing like that which can make a man fall for me..
And Abhimaan Ranawat chauhan is just out of my whole life..

Do I turned into pretty over the night..
My eyes widened at the mere thought.
Running to the mirror leaving the ice cream I was eating..

There is nothing except pimples and blackheads. Then what exactly he is seen in me..?

Whatever! But...
Argh...... I need some lone time..

Didi I will be out for some time
I informed my roommate to which she just signed Because she already know how Iam obssesed with going out at night.. Grabbing my shoes, my bag and a chocolate I walked out not before taking the permission of the irritating warden..

As soon I got out of the gate
A cold wind touched my face..
So, refreshing, It's scorching heat in day light. Cold winds in moon light..

I don't know where my feet took me as I walked surrounded in my thoughts

My phone rang taking me out of my trance..
A smile made it's way on my lips..
My world..

Haa daddy

Had your dinner?
His first question.

Which made me chuckle..
Walking forward still talking to my dad..
I found a old bench at the road side.
Dusting it I sat there..
That view is amazing..
Lone moon surrounded by stars..
How l missed it..

How are you?
I didn't call you morning nor you..
Ain't good daddy..
I couldn't able to bare this heat..
My total body is burning due to extreme heat..

As I told you ealier..
Don't go that far
And continue your graduation in hyderabad only..
But you didn't hear
Still we have time
Pack your bags and leave from there
I will book a ticket for you today only.. And
Before my dad could finish his words my mom interrupted..

Archana this is enough..
You can't choose everything everytime.
You yourself wanted to study their being stubborn..
And now you are complaining about heat..
You can't always ran away from challenges like this..
It's third time now..
You yourself choose it na.
Then face it..
You have to cross your comfort zone
My mom as usual scolded me..

Don't take seriously
Just call me when you pack your things..
Take care..
And I know you are outside go early..
Saying my dad hung up
He knows me very well.

"What I wanted to say, What I heard
Sab kharab hain.. "

Something good happened today
I found my favorite place..
I felt so much peace staring at the moon sitting on that old bench..
But his thoughts never leaving me.


She rejected me...
She fucking rejected Abhimaan Ranawat chauhan..
Abhimaan groaned in anger messing up his room.. His room is totally messed up..
Giant mirror broken and it's particles peirced into his skin making his hand bleed.The curtains, bedsheets are thrown on floor..
All his files are scattered
Sleeves carelessls rolled his suit falling on the ground
Messes hairs, clothes just like his state.. Walking into his personal bar he gulped the whiskey bottle in one go and breaked it onto the floor it continued until three bottles..
But still it didn't calmed his anger.
Lighting up his cigar he walked out being still in his sense..
He has a great capacity in controlling himself..

Getting into his black Mercedes he drove away at its high speed..
He doesn't even know where he is even driving untill he reached the outskirts. He stopped his car with a sudden break. His anger rose
Observing someone sitting in his favorite place.
Getting out of the car he slammed the door harshly making the delicate figure in front of him flinch.

Hearing the silence breaking sound Archana turned only to face him..
She doesn't know how long she is been sitting here losing the track of world being lost in her thoughts..
Until a harsh loud sound reached her ears..

As soon as her chocolate brown eyes came in contact with his dark pitch eyes..
He calmed down
Her eyes giving him an unknown peace he is carving for all these years..

She silently broke the eye contact again concentrating on the view..
Thanks to street lights.
Which making her able to see him in his dark clothes..
Abhimaan silently walked towards her sitting beside on the bench with a safe distance

"You here?"
He asked controlling the urge to hug her.

"I was just walking and found this view, So, just sat down '
"Pata nhi chala kab 9 bajgayi..
Didn't know when it turned into 9pm..
Anyway! Nice to meet you. Iam leaving now "
She said nervously wearing her bag over her shoulders..
Which rested on her lap till now

Before she could take  step further he pulled her holding her wrist making her land on the bench..

Her word remain unfinished as she looked at her palm red..

Then her eyen went to his injured palm..

You are hurt ! It's bleeding
She hissed. Taking his palm into her hands.. She switched her phone torch and balancing it on the bench between them she slowly started removing the tiny glass pieces which peirced into his rough skin..

"It must be painful too much "
She whispered..

Opening her bag she picked up a water bottle, She cleaned his wound with water Taking off the scarf around her neck,She dabbed on his palm drying it. Best thing about her dressing  is she always prefers soft materials..

Where he kept staring at her without blinking no one ever cared for him like this after his mother..
The fact is he never allowed anyone to take care of him..
But, Now he wanted to be cared by her Life long..

She tried to tie her scarf around her but as it's too lengthy she couldn't able to do it.. She pouted as it the one of most soft scarf she possessed.

After many trials she tore it with her teeth and finally succeed tieing  around his hand

"I don't have any antiseptics with me..
Aap get treated once you reach your home.. "

"You won't be there to treat me
So it's not necessary.. "
He said coming nearer to her

He is drunk she concluded as his warm breath mixed with alchohal hit her nose

"Whatever! "
She mused to herself..

"Is this only reserved for me? "
Abhimaam asked smirking
She looked at him with confused eyes..

"This night emergency first aid"
He said..

"No.. If someone were in your place
I would do the same thing"
She replied folding her hands to her chest..

Her statement trigged him..
"But you are looking cute in this micky mouse hoodie.."
He complimented.

She just shook her head trying to get up But ,he again pulled her to bench
"What's your freaking problem mister? "
She yelled But, ignoring her..

"What's the reason for refusal? "
He asked

"Sir! There are many Reasons And you can clearly see them"
She replied..

"I know you don't care, But I care"
She said when she observed he is gonna say something..

"Bye! Hoping we will never meet again. "

She mumbled before walking out from there..

"But, I will make sure I'll be  the only one you meet.. "
He sworn to himself

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Prachi. writes..
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