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The moon set at the horizon to welcome the darkness, making it even darker
Widows are wide open, making the curtains flutter due to breeze

"How can you fancy a girl like me? "
"Why me? "
Her question reverberated all over the room!

Abhimaan looked pissed at her question, her face is totally dull, contrast to what it is moments ago, her eyes flickering with so many questions..

"Why can't you little flower? "
"Why, shouldn't it be you, with me
You are the one, I want to be with"
He lifted her head with his finger only to notice her wet eyes!
He controlled the fury errupting in his system, supressed the urge to scream his feelings for her.

"Okay! Let's leave it here! "
"You go and fresh up, then you can rest"
His thumb worked on wiping her eyes.

"I am horrible, I look horrible, Every thing about me is horrible. My decisions are horrible. Why don't I have many friends like others,   it's just hurting, I am frustrated at myself"
She sniffed, closing her eyes to control her tears!

"Baby girl! What happened? "As Far as "I know, my little flower is so strong, then, why is crying then"?
Abhimaan tried to be soft, but his voice came hard.
Thinking the possibility of someone hurting her and making her cry making his blood flow in his veiws faster.

"Ain't strong! That's why I easily gave up instead of fighting against you! "
"I gave up In a second"
She tried to control her overwhelming emotions but, it's getting only worse.

"What happened,? Just tell me, I will take care of it, and I make sure they would get the right lesson for hurting!
Just tell me the name, I will see everything".
He cupped her cheeks,
Her tears doing something to him,
Which he couldn't able to decipher.
The urge of un alaving the person who is making her cry increasing moment by moment.

"Damn! Can you just tell me what happens? "
He shouted making her flinch
He composed himself when he noticed her flinching.

"Okay! Cool"
He took a moment to control his raging breaths.

"I told you, Iam going to work in a book store'
She started, abhimaan just nodded.

"Iam too excited to join it, as it was first day and new, we didn't have any buyers! But, my classmate came with her mother, we doesn't get along as she mocked me for my skin tone and I complained, and her mother today said me so much and she, even mocked me for being dusky, I know it's not a problem, I let it go, but after she said mean my classmate, That Iam unlucky and, where ever I go, I would ruin, whether the work, people or place, which hit me hard. '

"So, you are wasting your precious tears because of those bloody false words, you believed them, like seriously? "
Abhimaan asked her being disappointed with her reply.

"No, not due to their words, but what she said is right, it's always like that,
I know nothing, little things which everyone can do can't be done by me,
When  I hold something, it falls but not in other's hands.."
"And all my classmates are so fair and beautiful, I know Ain't beautiful but Iam not ugly either.
When someone gives me about my looks, even though they really meant it, I felt like a taunt."
"And whenever you say, I am beautiful It feels like you are making fun of me."
She hiccupped between her cries

"Those, people are blind,
I wish You could see yourself from my eyes, then you get to know how much gorgeous you are! "
"I wish, you could be in my place. Then you get to how precious you are little flower! You are the red rose in the field of lilies, moon among the stars, "
"So, soft yet fierce, just like the rose
Don't underestimate yourself rose! '
His thumbs constantly rubbing her tears away.

"I am not crying about that
Dad called me! "
She broke the silence between
She even doesn't know why she is saying him all these, particularly when he didn't ask this,
Maybe she wants to release all her vulnerabilities throwing the mask of being strong away for a moment

Abhimaan nodded, when she paused.
She sniffed a deep breath!
"Casually talking to him, I said about my classmate who got into this year, to which my dad said, "
"My daughter will achieve more than him and I trust her and makes her dad proud! "

"That's it, It questioned my whole existence till now, my parents never forced me for anything, but their silent expectations are killing me,
They always let me choose what ever, I want, they always give me freedom, but still sometimes it suffocates me"
"Whenever they praise me, I can't take them"
Her silent cries became loud.

"Iam feeling like... Like.. "
She fumbled..
"Like someone drawing lines to me
Whenever my dad says, Iam proud of you, it scares me, thinking what if he doesn't say it someday,
As an older daughter, I have to share my father's finances, support my brother, heal my mom, I have all the things a girl could wish for, lovely and supporting parents, who fights for me,
Good education, decent lifestyle.
But, still I am feeling like I am cuffed to an imaginative freedom which can't be broken, my family expectations are so high, but, here my mind is full of questions, "
"Why me? Whenever you say me as strong, I feel like someone splashed my truth on the face. I have been suppressing all these for many years,  I can't do it anymore"
Abhimaan was somehow surprised by her sudden outburst.
He noticed, her eyes are puffed with tears flowing down, nose flaring up and down.

To a man like him who don't know how to comfort a person, as he never cared for a person,
But, seeing her crying hysterically not going with him.

Not knowing what to do,
He pressed her head to his chest, wrapping his hand around her,

Where, for a second, she was freezed, her eyes looked at his face, which is as usual blank, but his hold is too soothing.
Foregetting everything, she wrapped her hands around his torso. And broke down into cries, his hand caressing her back and another ruffling her hair.
She snuggled more into him.

Sometimes, all it's takes a hug, to soothe our inner vulnerabilities,
Same going with her,
A teenge girl with full of hopes and doubts, battling everyday with self doubt alone, finally getting a hug.

Here, the next chapter,
Every one has their vulnerabilities
So, I just want to show her innner conflicts, which she is been hiding from everyone.
And Iam not pro in potraying emotions, so don't mind if didn't reach your expectations
This chapter is dedicated to my readers, who are working hard for their dreams and giving their best.
Meet in the next chapter..

Next chapter after 80 votes 20 comments, next chapter is already drafted, ready to update.
Hurry!. And don't forget to leave your comments

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