Night Shift Pt. 3 (Finale)

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Disclaimer: This story contains description of implied sensual actions or sexual intercourse. If you do not like that please choose another story to read. ^_^

Night Shift

You go into the bathroom and splash some water on your face to calm down. You couldn't believe what had just happened.

The brooding, quiet, and mean Michael had just been in your arms and had gotten excited. You let out a small groan trying not to remember the bulge you had seen in his pants.

You slap your hands to your cheeks lightly trying to get your minds elsewhere.

You hear a creak. You look over your shoulder and see Micheal opening the bathroom door.

"Ah!" He says startled. He darts his eyes away.

You look at him suddenly realizing why he was in the bathroom. You can feel your cheeks burning up.

You look down to your shoes. It is quiet and awkward. Both of you are trying to not make eye contact if possible. The silence continues for a little longer until you finally say.

"I'll let you do your business."

Michael looks up, "I-I thought it would go away. I just can't calm down" He mumbles.

You simply nod. You take a few steps forward until you are a foot in front if him.

"I'm sorry if I caused this" You say, "I'll help you"

Michael inches back in pure shock and embarrassment. "What?" He croaks out, his eyes wide.

You scratch at the back of your neck and say "It's my fault isn't it? I'll help you feel better"

What you were saying starts to sink in and you sweat nervously realizing that you might be coming off as a huge pervert. You laugh breathlessly and say, "Only if you need me to, haha!"

I am definitely going to get fired. 0-0

You cough looking away.

Michael steps closer to you, he's right in front if you and pants softly. You can feel the warmth from his breath on your lips.

You look up at him and stare into his eyes. His eyes were almost begging but he was too scared to accept the offer.

Your hand drifts to his chest, the place you have put it when you had fallen on top of him.

He lets out a small gasp then quickly hushes himself. You look back into his face and back down.

The bulge in his pants had significantly grown.

"Michael, if you need help you can just tell me" you say softly.

Michael's shoulders tense then he rolls his head back, looking to the ceiling and hisses through his teeth, almost as if he's sighing in frustration.

"Ok" He says finally.

He looks at you unsure. He frowns some and looks down so his brown hair covers his face.

You resist the urge to giggle at how shy he is being. You can't blame him though, you'd be just as mortified if the roles were reversed.

You take his hand and guide him over to the counter. You turn him around so his back is facing the mirror. You can barely see your reflection of his shoulders.

"Is this alright? The stalls might be too small."

"Y-yeah. I'll just clean up later" Michael says.

You give him a small smile, almost out of pity. "Let me know if I need to stop or anything"

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