- 26: All I Wanna Do Now -

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"Kacchan can you get the trout for the old man? I hate fishing." 

It had been an hour or so since Katsuki and him sat down on his bed to play Stardew valley. Their farm has improved quite a lot, most of it thanks to both of them already knowing most of the gameplay. 

Katsuki huffs, glaring at the T.V screen. Izuku's green haired character is moving around in the town, talking to the townspeople and going on foraging quests. The screen is split into two, one with Izuku's character as the focus and vice versa. 

"It's because your shit at it Deku. But fine, whatever." 

Izuku smiles as the blonde is already moving his pixeled character down a bridge towards the beach. He picks up seashells and coral on the way. 

"Thanks, Kacchan." 

The blonde doesn't answer and Izuku takes a moment to let it sink in. 

He's in Katsuki's room, hanging out on his bed, playing a video game like... like friends. 

He hadn't realized how much he missed this. Well, he did, but thinking about the past and actually being here were two completely different things. 

He had never thought he would ever hear the word sorry come out the blonde's mouth, but he did, and that in itself was a miracle. 

it almost feels surreal to him, like at any moment he's going to wake up in his bed and all of this wouldn't have actually happened.

He's just about to chop down a tree when his phone buzzes in his pocket. He ignores it, already knowing who's texting him. He's glad that Katsuki didn't seem to hear it, focusing on jamming a button on his controller over and over in order to fish. 

"Damnit, come on you bastard-" 

He grumbles out more curse words and Izuku's smile stays on his face. He hadn't heard any of their parents coming up the stairs, so he assumes they are all just catching up together. He bets they suspected something bad would have happened, and to be honest, Izuku had expected a lot more yelling, screaming and punching. 

But he was happy that it didn't turn out that way. 

Really, really happy. 

"Oi nerd! Pay attention or we won't have enough wood for the barn and I'm not waiting another day for it!" 

Izuku jumps back into the game, moving his character around the woods and already working on chopping down more trees. 

"Yeah, sorry i spaced out for a second." 

His phone buzzes again and he ignores it for a second time. It shouldn't get so bad he has to put his phone on silent again, right? Ishida would get the hint (Even though he had never gotten the hint the million other times) and just leave one message and call it a day when he realized Izuku was busy. 


His phone buzzes four times in a row, all loud and clear. Each buzz only pausing for a second before another one followed it. He can feel his phone vibrating in his pocket against the fabric of his pants. 


This time Katsuki glances at Izuku, red eyes glancing at his pocket then back to him. His brows furrow and he clearly is annoyed. 

"Damn, the person texting you must be fucking dying." 

Izuku flushes when Katsuki's sentence is followed by more buzzing.  

"I-I'm sure it's not that important..." 

His ring tone bounces off the walls and he dies inside. Katsuki just stares at him, controller useless in his hands as his attention is now completely off of the T.V screen. Izuku puts his controller down and takes his phone out of his pocket. 

"Sorry, hold on." 

He still feels Katsuki's eyes on him as he looks through his notification bar to see a number of texts and missed calls from Ishida. 

'I'm outside, wanna hang out?' 

Ever since that night where Katsuki beat him up, Ishida has been showing up at his door late at night, telling him to come out.

Izuku did every single time, but that was because it would be rude turn someone down and leave them out in the cold in the dark. 

So he had made a habit of showing up randomly. 

It fucked with both Izuku's sleep schedule and willingness to put up with late night visits. 

'Why aren't you answering?' 

'You're not home anymore?' 

'Whos house are you at?' 

'Are you at Bakugous house right now?' 

'Are you serious?' 

'Why are you over there this late?' 

Followed by a missed call. 

'Answer your phone, Izu.' 

Izuku feels embarrassed for some reason. He feels it crawling up his neck and making his ears warm up. It gets even worse when Katsuki leans into him, looking at his phone. 

"God damn, this guy is fucking nuts." 

Izuku jumps and instantly tilts his phone away from the blonde, hiding it from view. He shuts his phone off. 

He'll deal with Ishida later. 

He puts his phone back into his pocket. 


Katsuki gives him a look and leans back from him, letting out a small huff of air. 

"He's blowing your fucking phone up like crazy, and for what? Fuckin psycho behavior." 

Katsuki grumbles and Izuku raises a brow at him, silent. The other notices his silence and looks at him, then glares. 

"Hey, fuck you, i know what you're thinking shitty Deku." 

Izuku puts his hands up. 

"I wasn't thinking anything kacchan! It's just, you know, you're not exactly..." 

Katsuki throws a pillow at him, and he laughs, blocking it with his arms as it falls onto the floor. So much for keeping his room all nice and perfect. 

"Fuck off. Besides, if anyone's gonna know crazy it's me if that's your shitty logic." 

Izuku picks up the pillow from the floor, plopping it back onto the bed. 

"Ishida Kun is a good friend. He just... worries a lot." 

Katsuki rolls his eyes, leaning back as his arms support him. 

"If 'worries' means tracks you like a fucking dog, then yeah, he worries a shit ton."  

All I Want Is You (Bkdk, Dkbk)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora