- 28: Baby I'm So Sorry -

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He isn't the type of guy to leave his friends. He puts his all in being friends with them, so why shouldn't they do the same? friendship is all about giving and receiving after all. 

Though to be honest, he doesn't have any friends to begin with. He's just saying, if he did have friends, he would be the best friend they could ever imagine. 

Thats how it started with Izuku Midoriya, a kid in his class. They had gotten paired up with each other for a project, and from there, the rest was history. 

He knew a little bit about Izu when they met, but only that he was considered a loser because of his lack of a quirk. In a way, he could understand what he was going through. He wasn't born with a special quirk that would help him fight villain's or anything like that. 

In retrospect, it was pretty lame. 

They were both in Izu's room finishing up their project when the topic of quirks came up. 

"What's your quirk Ishida Kun?" 

He looks at Izu, his green eyes focusing on him curiously. It makes him feel warm when Izu is looking at him. 


He hesitates for a moment, but only for a second. If anyone is going to understand how Ishida feels about his quirk, it's going to be Izu.

"It's retention... I can choose some of my memories to give to another person if i wanted." 

He flushes, embarrassed. It wasn't a quirk that would really help him with anything in life, so he considered it pretty useless. But when he looks back at Izu, his heart feels like it stopped. 

He smiles at him, eyes bright. 

"Thats pretty cool! How does it work?" 

He guesses it started there. He began to realize that he didn't just want to be Izu's best friend. 

He wanted to be more. 

So much more. 

In the two weeks they had known each other, Ishida had fallen in love. It was like a fairy tale, being with Izu made his heart race and his brain melt. It was like a drug rush he couldn't get enough of. 

it was addicting. 

It was a feeling he wanted to keep to himself for the rest of their lives. He didn't want anyone else to feel the way he felt with Izu, and he would do anything to keep it that way. 

He would have already been there with Izu if it wasn't for one problem that kept getting in his way. 

Katsuki Bakugou, a blonde kid with an explosion quirk. Izu's childhood friend and bully. 

At first, Ishida thought that he wouldn't be much of a problem. If anything, he would have been helping Ishida get Izu's attention. He would have swooped in, played the hero, and Izu would have been all his. 

Except that Izu still has a soft spot for the asshole. 

Ishida notices it time and time again, with the way Izu looks at him like he wants to say something more, how he looks at the pictures of them together with some sort of fondness, how he talks about him, all of it. 

It frustrates him. How could someone like Izu even still be thinking about that kid? It didn't make sense to him. How could Izu look at that guy with such care when he never looked at Ishida like that despite all of the things he does for him. 

He tried his best to keep them away from each other, making sure he knew where Izu was all of the time and keeping tabs on him. It wasn't that hard really; he was glad Izu always had his guard down around him. 

He had even gone through his phone at one of their sleepovers to make sure he wasn't in his contacts and even asked Izu to give him his location at all times. 

He was doing this for him

Because he loves him. 

There were other difficult parts of his plan to make Izu all his, and those parts included his mother. 

Inko Midoriya is as caring and attentive as her son, which means she is a big part of his life. The two of them are very close, unlike Ishida's relationship with his parents, the Midoriya's are open and loving.

It had caught him off guard the first time he saw the way they interacted, even if it was very small things. With small sticky notes saying things like 'have a good day mom, i love you' or 'be careful at school Izuku, mama loves you' to packed lunches. 

The difficult part was having inko Midoriya like him.

Again, he had thought this would be easy, only to be mistaken. 

He could tell that Inko Midoriya did not like him the first moment she saw him in her house. Sure, she was very polite and gave him a warm smile when he walked into the door, but he could see the mistrust in her eyes. 

That mistrust turned into dislike in only a span of a week. 

But just like her son, Inko Midoriya was polite despite that. He had already failed to win over the women. He really did try his best, being polite and helpful anytime he was over, but it didn't help. 

He guessed that he had accidently made a mistake somewhere between hanging out with Izu and seeing his mom, because one time is permanently burned into his brain. 

He leaves Izus room after only a couple of minutes. Izu was in another one of his fits, telling him that he had to go because he needed to study. Ishida admits, he had gotten a little upset, but who wouldn't? 

He said some things, but nothing too bad. Izu would get over it soon enough. 

He was going down the stairs and past the kitchen when he saw inko Midoriya standing there. For a split second, when their eyes met, he could have sworn she glared at him. 

But then the polite smile was back, and she showed him to the door. 

But it doesn't matter if inko Midoriya doesn't like him. 

It doesn't matter if Katsuki Bakugo is still on Izu's mind. 

Because he's going to keep trying to win him over, and when he does, everything will be like it's supposed to be. 

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