- 48: We Were Dancing In The Moonlight -

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Izuku gets out of the car and wipes his eyes, trying to get rid of the sleepy feeling at least a little bit. Inko is already going to the front and unlocking the door, her keys jingling and standing out compared to the quiet of the neighborhood. 

She glances behind her when Izuku starts to walk to the door, a small smile on her face. She opens the door and steps inside, Izuku following. He takes off his shoes after her and watches her tie up her hair into a bun. She gives him a concerned look, 

"Izuku, make sure you go to bed soon, you look tired." 

He leans into her slightly and gives her a side hug when she finishes tying up her hair. She hugs him back and they let go of each other. 

"I will mom," 

He yawns halfway through his sentence and goes to the stairs leading up to his room slowly. 

"Don't worry." 

Inko smiles at him and begins to walk to the kitchen, stopping at a small side table to get some papers and a pen. She looks back at him, that smile still on her face. Her eyes are alight with motherly love and care. It makes Izuku smile back at her. 

"Goodnight Izuku, i love you." 

"Love you too mom." 

Izuku texts Katsuki goodnight and then looks through Ishida's many texts for a while until he falls asleep. Izuku wakes up before his alarm comes on, way earlier than he's ever waken up before on a school morning. 

He blankly stares at his ceiling before sitting up, yawning. He checks his phone, the sun barely shining through his window curtains. There are some notifications on the small bar, so he looks through them to see a text from kacchan. 

'Kacchan: Goodnight nerd. Talk tomorrow.' 

There aren't any new texts from Ishida, not that he was looking for some. He deletes Ishida's contact but doesn't block it, getting up to get ready for school. He showers, changes, and does all of his bathroom stuff, taking his time since he's up so early. 

Despite him being up earlier than normal, his mom is already at work. There are small sticky notes posted on the fridge, all wishing him a good day. Right when he's putting his shoes on to walk to school, there is a knock on the door. 

His first thought is that its Ishida, planning to bother him first thing in the morning. But when he opens the door, he sees blond spiky hair and red eyes. Kacchan has his backpack over his shoulder, a relaxed look on his face. 

Izuku feels himself smile, finishing tying on his shoes quickly. 

"Hi kacchan! Why are you here?"

Katsuki shrugs, watching him grab his yellow backpack and put it on, his red eyes seeming to track his every move like a target. 

"What, i can't just walk you to school nerd." 

Izuku's eyes widen, and he feels his cheeks warm up. Kacchan is walking him to school? Why? Did he get up early just to walk over here? H-

"Your- You're walking me to school?" 

Kacchan, seeing that he's already ready to go, grabs his wrist and pulls him out the door firmly. He stumbles slightly and the door shuts behind him. 

"Thats what i said nerd. Now come on, i have to get there early to study." 

He feels himself grow warmer, even more so when kacchan doesn't let go of his wrist, gently holding it as they walk away from his porch. The walk to school is nice, both of them talking to each other so easily it feels like they never even stopped being friends. 

Kacchan doesn't even pull away when they get inside of the building, when its full of people passing by in the halls. They both walk to class and take their seats. Izuku notices that Ishida isn't in his seat and doesn't appear even after class is over, and it gives him a bad feeling. 

He doesn't get much time to think about or process the feeling when kacchan is waiting for him to finish packing up his stuff. 

"What the hell's up with you nerd? Your stuck in your head today." 

Izuku gives him a smile, holding the straps of his backpack as they walk. 

"I'm fine kacchan! Do you want to do anything later?" 

Kacchan kicks a rock across the sidewalk, his hands shoved into his pockets. 

"We could go over to my place if you want. But your gonna have to leave early since my training starts." 

Izuku nods, that sinking feeling disappearing from his gut as happiness and excitement replace it. 

"You're going to start training for UA kacchan?!" 

He hears the excitement even in his own ears. Kacchan has always been amazing, with his quirk and determination, he could be a hero with his eyes closed. Unlike Izuku, kacchan would rise through the hero life and succeed, praised by everyone around him like always. 

And now, Izuku will be there to watch him do it, as a friend. 

It was a little sad, but if Izuku tries his very best to be a hero and fails, he'll still be able to support kacchan in their dream.

"Yeah, i have to start to so i get used to it later. I'm not taking any fucking chances." 

As kacchan says that they get to his house. Right when they get inside, kacchan leads him to his room upstairs. Izuku only gets a glimpse of the house and that's the only thing he needs to know that Mitsuki and Masaru aren't here. 

Kacchan doesn't bother shutting the door, dropping his backpack on his desk chair. Izuku smoothly puts his own bag next to the closet and plops down on the bed. It creaks under him, and he bounces slightly when he lands.

the blonde watches him for a moment before going over and plopping onto the bed next to him. Their legs touch and Izuku feels his cheeks grow warm and his heart speed up. 

Why is he always getting like this around kacchan...

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