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Six weeks later, Reed, Ben, and I were at the transport site prepping for the mission. Just before leaving Brooklyn, Layla and my other friends, Howie, Cameron, and Ingrid saw us off. Like Ben and me, they too felt uneasy around Victor. To lighten things up, Howie begged me to take pictures since being a huge outer space nerd, probably from watching a ton of space opera films and series. He used to work at NASA as a tech guy but left after Reed, Ben, and I were shut down by them. Howie felt he could no longer work for a company that closed off his closest friends and offered to work for Reed despite the bankruptcy.  

When they heard that Susan was a part of the mission, Layla and Ingrid were ecstatic. They missed her a lot. I had promised the girls that I would reconnect with Susan and once the mission was over, we would make plans to hang out again.

Peering through each pair of binoculars, Johnny Storm himself rode in towards us on a motorcycle, leaning into a convertible car, kissing the woman in the driver's seat. He's always been such a player. When Reed and Susan were together, Johnny drove me up the wall and tried to ask me out several times, but I declined despite Ingrid telling me he and I were a perfect match. Even after the break-up, Johnny still tried to get in touch with me. Cameron and Howie always thought Johnny was a cool guy even though the latter still annoyed me.

"Can't do it. Cannot do it," Ben shook his head wanting to back out at the last second.

"External S.R.B.'s, orbital system engines. It's just like the shuttle you flew," Reed explained trying to get my brother to feel at ease, though he didn't catch on the fact Ben couldn't stand to be in the same room as Johnny.

"No! I cannot take orders from the underwear model."

"Oh, come on now."

"That wingnut washed out of NASA for sneaking two Victoria's Secret wannabes into a flight simulator."

"Youthful high spirits."

Yeah right! I rolled my eyes.

"They crashed it into a wall. A flight simulator."

I found myself laughing out loud from that memory, "Sorry, Benny. I always thought that one was funny," I apologized through laughter. 

He couldn't stay mad at me for finding Johnny's screw-ups hilarious, even though it all irritated him.

"When I have ever asked you to do something you absolutely said you could not do?" Reed asked Ben.

"Five times," my big bro replied holding a hand out at his face and headed back down the stairs.

"I had it at four."

"Well, this makes five."

I followed Ben down the stairs to the Ready Room prepping myself to face the guy who often drove the both of us crazy. Both my brother and I couldn't stand the kind of people who do all sorts of stupid things.

I found Susan who showed me the way to the women's changing room. The suit I was given was more like a jumpsuit made of synthetics which would help adapt to the needs of my body, depending on the surrounding temperature, if it were cold, it would warm up my body, and if it was hot, I would be cooled down.

"Again, I apologize for not keeping in touch as much," I said as I slid out of my shirt, "I got distracted by everything else."

"That's alright, Ari. It happens," Susan smiled at me, "I missed you and the girls."

I thought back to when we'd have a girl's time with Layla and Ingrid. We would get together like teenage girls at a sleepover and occasionally take trips out of town. Once the mission was over, I was so having Susan join the girls and me for a night out on the town!

"We all missed you too," I nodded, "Layla and Ingrid talk about you a lot. And don't worry, it's all the good stuff."

"I'm sure," Susan grinned.

Once I was in the suit, I saw that it hugged my entire body. I dreaded the thought of Johnny seeing me in it, knowing that he can sometimes be a bit pervy. One time, I caught him going through my closet and lingerie drawer. So I resorted to getting a lock for my room. I never told Ben knowing full well he'd go all WWE on Johnny until the latter was blue and purple, and second, I wanted to be able to deal with a certain situation on my own instead of relying on my brother too much. Layla had told Ben about Johnny sneaking into my room and wardrobe even though I told her to not say anything and that I already dealt with it. My friend felt my brother had a right to know what went on. I always figured it had to do with the fact Layla felt that she owed Ben a lot after he and I helped out her and her mom after her dad died a few years ago. I couldn't blame her for letting the cat out of the bag.

"You nervous about having to see Johnny again?" Susan asked as if she could read me as she slid into her suit.

"More like dreading it," I remarked as I pulled the zipper up, hiding any cleavage.

"I know he can be such a kid."

Susan always saw the positive part of Johnny. She knew when he went too far with his stupidity and would call him out for it. 

 When I met up with the others, Ben was giving Johnny a hard stare as he approached him looking like he wanted to strangle the perv, and pulled up the zipper on his suit.

"Thank you. That's so sweet," Johnny smirked up at my brother.

"I can handle this ship," Ben frowned at him and turned to Reed who sat across the room, "I can even handle Mr. Blonde Ambition." My brother pulled out one of the suits, "But I don't know if I should be flying or doing Swan Lake in these suits. I mean, who the hell came up with these?"

I started laughing at the thought of seeing Ben doing ballet.

"Victor did," Susan replied on arrival, " The synthetics act as a second skin, adapting to your body's individual needs."

"See, now that means it keeps the hot stuff hot and cool stuff cool," Johnny added like Ben had no clue about it.

"Like we had no idea what she was talking about, huh?" I sassed at Johnny who perked up on hearing me.

"Wow. Fantastic," Reed got up in awe of the suit, "Material made from self-regulating, unstable molecules. I've been working on a formula for this." He held up the suit and examined it.

 I could tell he saw how Susan fit into the suit well. Reed had more of a scientific viewpoint.

"Great minds think alike," she shrugged and started handing out the jumpsuits she held, "Here you go, Ben."

"Thanks, sweetie," my brother nodded as Susan handed him one.

"Reed." she threw the jumpsuit at him hard like it was just pulled out of a dryer and then turned to me and smiled, "Here you are." Susan handed me a jumpsuit.

I nodded a thank you at her.

"I didn't know you were coming, Ari," Johnny smiled at me.

"Yeah. Probably didn't get the memo. And don't push it," I remarked knowing that I would have to spend a few days in space with the likes of him.

"Are you wearing that Victoria's Secret bikini?" 

"Shut it perv!"

He knew how to push my buttons. All I hoped was to get through this mission without Ben or me getting after Johnny whenever he says something that annoys either one of us. Plus, ever since he snuck into my closet, he's memorized every single thing I owned. I've got to remember to change out my entire wardrobe when we got back home!

"A few days in space. This'll be exciting," Johnny smiled eying me from top to bottom.

"Yep. Better not let Big Bro see ya perving on a dish!" I sassed and walked away to prep myself some more.

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