train ride

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/ one / -train ride



equivalents to 'six years of being a pain in the arse for her parents'
Victoria spent her whole summer, wanting to escape the manor like her friend, Sirius did.

Finally, the day came. The day they would leave for Hogwarts. It was always the happiest day of her life. Meeting her friends again, the feeling of freedom, boys, and of course; being herself once again.

"Lily!" Victoria exclaimed, looking at her best friend. Lily did the same and pulled her into a big hug. "What happened? You haven't been answering my letters" Lily asked worriedly, pulling away from the hug.

Victoria explained her horrible summer to her best friend the whole way to the platform. Lily just listened, knowing that it would be better for Victoria than give her advice without being in her friend's shoes.

"Remus!" Victoria smiled happily, running towards the guy and hugging him. Remus picked her up and hugged her back. "I missed you" Remus whispered into her ear, kissing her forehead. "I missed you too" She sighed happily, being brought back down to the ground.

Victoria turned around to see her other friends facing her and Remus with their arms crossed jokingly. "What about us?" Sirius spoke, putting his hand over his left chest, pretending to be hurt. Victoria laughed and hugged each one of them and so did Remus.

Victoria along with her friends, Marlene and Lily entered the train. Leaving Peter, Remus, Sirius, and James to go fetch themselves a compartment.

"So tell me about your summer!" Victoria told Marlene as she settle down on her seat. "Buckle up girls!" Marlene spoke in an American accent since she went to Amercia for the summer. Victoria couldn't help but to feel a wave of jealousy when Marlene talked about her summer.

"Anything from the trolley dear?" An elderly woman asked the three girls while pushing a trolley filled with sweets. Victoria looked at her friends and they nodded, pointing at the sweets thay they want.

"Three Liquorice wands please and Two pumpkin pasties" Victoria spoke, handing the elderly woman her payment.

When the woman left, Lily asked Victoria curiously. "Why only two pasties? aren't you gonna have some?" Lily looked at her. "Oh- no I ate earlier" Victoria stuttered, pressing her lips together. Marlene furrowed her eyebrows at Victoria's response but shrugged it.

"So moony, you've got bolder haven't you?" Sirius teased his friend as he opened a box of chocolate frogs. James smirked at Remus' face that's now turning red as he bit his inner cheek, preventing himself to smile. "Blimey, I got Rowena" Sirius exclaimed as the chocolate frog jumped over the window, disappearing forever.

Remus sighed deeply. "I just love her as a friend mates" Remus replied, folding his arms. "Keep telling yourself that and let's see how it goes" Peter scoffed, throwing a bean from Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans in the air and catching it with his mouth.

As Peter catches the bean, he scrunched his face in disgust. "BLOODY! I think I ate the earthworm flavour" He stated, sticking his tongue out.

"I kissed Lily" James blurted out happily. The water that Remus was about to swallow was now on the ground while Peter almost chocked on a pasties. "Bloody hell Prongs! congratulations you've proven us wrong" Sirius spoke, his tone filled with shock as he pulled James into a hug.

"Did she kissed back?" Remus asked his friend, waving his wand and muttered a spell to clean up the mess he made on the floor.

James' friends nervously waited for his answer. "YES!" James shouted and so did his friends.

They have arrived at Hogwarts, Victoria couldn't help but admire the sky as she always did since first year.

After the sorting, Victoria and Remus were assigned to guide the first years into the Gryffindor tower.
"Girls follow me please" Victoria spoke softly as she guides the little girls. Unfortunately, the Slytherins catched up with them.

Josephine Lestrange, the Slytherin prefect who was assigned to guide the Slytherin first year, looked at her with an ugly frown plastered on her face. Victoria shrugged her interaction with the unpleasant girl and moved on

"Hello" Remus greeted her, putting an arm around her shoulder. That's unusual. Victoria thought but shrugged it off.

"Hello" Victoria smiled at the boy. "You've gotten smaller" Remus teased, ruffling Victoria's hair. "Aren't you supposed to be watching the kids?" Victoria spoke, raising her eyebrows. The brown haired boy just chuckled at her. The boys and the girls noticed them and started making teasing sounds, the big silent hallway now turned loud until Victoria scolded them. "Is he your boyfriend?" A girl tugged her robe. "Yeah is he your boyfriend?" Remus repeated the girl's question. "Oh shut up"

"Blood traitor" A gnarly voice spoke a few feet from her. Victoria recognized that voice immediately. She ignored it but Remus didn't.

He wasn't going to hesitate to punch Cyrus Greengrass right across the face and he was going to but Victoria stopped him from doing so.

It was now dead silent until a boy's voice was heard "What's a blood traitor?"

"It's something you don't need to worry about" Remus reassured the kid.

Victoria told the fat lady the password and entered. "Your dormitories are the opposite from each other and your things are already there" Victoria cleared her throat before she spoke.

"And lads, do not even try to enter the girls dormitory, you'll regret it" Remus added making Victoria sort of giggled.

The pair hugged eachother and then said goodnight to eachother before heading their own way.

"Vic come quick!" Marlene rhymed, flopping down to her bed. "Why?" Victoria answered in a singy-songy voice while getting ready for bed.

"Lily-pad is hiding something from us" Marlene spoke, turning her gaze at Lily.
Victoria's mouth fell open and gasped. "How dare you!" She jokingly shouted at Lily. "Calm down, It's nothing" Lily scoffed as she laid down on her bed. "It's just that James kissed me and I kissed him back?" Lily added in a tone of which sounded like a question.

"I wonder what the girls are talking about right now" Peter spoke, leaving the loo with just boxers on. "Goodness Peter, put something on" Remus complained jokingly while Sirius took a picture of Peter on his camera that was given by his uncle.

"Hey! That's pornography!" Peter exclaimed, putting his hands over his bottoms. "Don't flatter yourself wormtail, we will not spread it like wildfire. Just when you get a girlfriend" James smirked while Remus snorted.

Peter wore pants and sat on his bed.
"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU MEAN JAMES KISSED YOU?" Victoria's loud voice was heard. "Well there's your answer, Peter" Remus stated, smiling while imagining Victoria's face.

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