mcgonagall's office

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/ twenty / -mcgonagall's office



For the first time in his life, he would cut class—well not in his life, in sixth year. He entered the room of requirements-his mind filled with unwelcoming thoughts.

There they were. James, Sirius, Peter, Amos, Cyrus, and Evan—surrounding Conrad, who was tied up around a post.

He was panting, blood dripping on his nose with bruises on his face. It looked like the lads did their time on him. "He's all yours, Remus" Cyrus said to him, clenching his jaw with his fist clenched.

From there, Remus stared at Conrad as he walked towards him—he went ahead with no hesistation, punching Conrad along with cursing the hell out of him.

"—fuck you! How could you do that to her!" Remus grunted, his fist meeting Conrad's face every word until he passed out.

Once Remus saw that Conrad lost his consciousness, he stopped punching. "What do we do now?" Peter asked angirly. "Leave him somewhere, near the greathall" Cyrus suggested as he untied the guy who violated his sister.

Once he succesfully untied the bloke, he let him fall hard on the ground. Sirius scoffed at the pathetic guy on the ground before kicking his face.

James casted a spell that made Conrad float as they left the room of requirements.

There were quite a few people walking around—some of them skipping classes while some of them actually have a free period.

Some of the people, mostly first years—were shock as they watch Conrad Maguire, bloodied up and floating around, following the seven lads in front of him or underneath him.

When they reached the hallway leading to the great hall—with no remorse, James dropped Conrad's unconscious body on the ground.

The guys left the hallway, earning worried looks from other students—but they didn't care, they shrugged it off and went inside the kitchen near the Hufflepuff common room and requested food from elves.


Victoria sat on her bed, feeling much more better than the last few weeks—Remus would get the credits for being with her anytime he can.

The girl sighed as she held up a tiny mirror, looking at herself. She felt pity for the girl who's staring back at her right now. Victoria dropped the mirror onto the soft cushion of her bed.

"I don't want to live like this anymore" Victoria whispered to herself—her breath shaky as a tear left her eye. She was sick of living like this. She knew that she would feel depressed most of the time but she didn't expect herself to be rotting in bed for four weeks.

If she wanted to get better for Remus and her friends and especially for herin order for her to be back on her feet, she would have to try and do better.

All of a sudden, she got this wave of productivity. Victoria got off her bed and sat on the vanity chair—facing the mirror. From there she started fixing her appearance-not that there's something wrong with it.

Victoria got dressed in her uniform after four weeks. She got nothing to worry about missing her assignments or anything since Remus excused her for being sick and he answered her assignments and projects so she can breath a little.

Addition to that, for a few days after new years eve—James, Sirius, Peter took turns drinking polyjuice potion to turn into Victoria so that Professors won't get suspicious with what's happening and so that her attendance won't get fucked up.

Victoria left their dorm room, smiling to herself as she saw first years waving at her.

Finally, after rushing through the halls to go to Herbology—she finally arrived amd sat next to Mary who was shock when she made eye contact with her.

"Good lord! You finally came to class, I'm so proud of you" Mary exclaimed in happiness as she embraced once of her best friends. Victoria closed her eyes at this and muttered a 'thank you' as she was glad to have a friend like her.

Victoria pulled away from Mary and looked around to see Remus hoping that his face would lit up when he realise that she finally have the courage to go to class—but no, she could not find him which made her upset but brushed it off as she could not also find James anywhere in the classroom so she assumed they were off to prank someone, again.

After a few minutes of Professor Sprout teaching, A seventh year Hufflepuff who was a prefect—entered the classroom and whispered something to Professor. "Ms. Greengrass" Professor Sprout called which Victoria immediately replied to "Yes, Professor?"

"Can you please come with Mr. Bulstrode?"

Victoria looked at Mary and whispered "What did I do now?" Mary shrugged in response along with confusion as she narrows her eyebrows.

Victoria stood up, walking towards the lad that was next to the doorway. "Where are we off to?" She asked curiously as she fidgeted with her ring on her finger. "Well, I'm Michael and I'm dropping you off at McGonagall's office" Michael answered which Victoria nodded at.

Victoria and Michael got into talking-he was very kind to be honest, and calm as well.

They have arrived at her office, revealing her boyfriend Remus, her friends; Sirius, James, Peter, Amos, Evan-and her brother, Cyrus.

Remus took a glance behind him as he heard a door open, revealing Victoria laughing with a Hufflepuff bloke—which made him jealous, couldn't McGonagall send a girl? He thought.

"What did you do, Remus?" Victoria accused her boyfriend with a disappointed look. "Ms. Greengrass, sit please" Professor McGonagall said to Victoria while Michael left.

Victoria did what she was asked and faced the woman in front of her—breathing in nervously.

"I received a few complaints, about these seven... casually dropping off Conrad's unconscious body near the great hall—your brother said that to talk to you" Professor McGonagall spoke which in result—made Victoria gasped, not in fear but in relief.

"Is there something you have to tell me?" Professor McGonagall asked curiously—her eyebrows furrowing.

"That son of a bitch assulted her!" Her brother blurted out, fuming in anger. Victoria wasn't bothered when he told Professor McGonagall about it since she had been close with her eversince.

"Very well..." McGonagall's voice trailed. "Violence is never the answer, but sometimes it is except I am not saying that you should do it again. Mr. Maguire is currently at the Hospital wing and I will be delivering the news to Dumbledore and I will make sure that he will never step a foot in here again. I assure you Victoria" McGonagall continued, squeezing Victoria's hand lightly—McGonagall has this look of sadness and empathy for the girl in front of her.

first author note (ig)- i did a first person pov last chapter and the chapter before that since I thought it would be delivered clearly what Victoria felt after the assult if I did it in 1st person pov than third person...but I will be continuing this book in third person.

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