born to die

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/ twenty-nine / -born to die



dining room table that used to be a comfort to her. The dining table that used to be filled with people she loved.

Now it was just her and Minnie, her brother moved out with his wife to be as he inherited the Greengrass Manor.

"What happened, Minnie?" Her voice cracked, facing Minnie who was holding a news paper from the Daily Prophet. "This might be a bad timing" Her squeeky voice echoed the empty halls. Simultaneously, Minnie handed Victoria the paper.

Victoria looked at it, confused. "What am I gonna do with this?" And at the same time, her eyes landed at something she did not expect.

McKinnons found dead in their home.

It wrote and that was enough for Victoria. She burst into tears as she dropped the news paper. She knew that this was gonna happen.

"Marlene!" She cried out, hoping that Remus was by her side to comfort her.

For the past thirty minutes, Victoria was sobbing into her hands, not taking her friend's death well. In her defense, who would? Sobbing uncontrollably, Victoria blew out air, unable to breath.

But Victoria knew she had to be strong for her other friends. Even without Remus by her side, she need to fight against Voldemort. Victoria took a deep breath before apparating to the house where Sirius and Willow lives.

She apparated in front of the house, she entered without knocking and she immediately heard Willow sobs echoing their house. Victoria tried her best not to burst out into tears as she was going to face her friends.

"She found out?" Victoria asked Sirius whose eyes was red. Sirius nodded and embraced her into a hug. "—said she needed to be alone" Sirius voice trailed.

Victoria and Sirius went and checked on Willow, to know if she's okay since the atmosphere went silent.

"Willow" Sirius called out worriedly as they both rushed to Sirius and Willow's bedroom. "Shit it's locked" Sirius muttered as he rattles the doorknob. "Move" Victoria lightly shoved Sirius away. "Alohamora" She articulately spoke.

"Willow?" Sirius called out once again with a bewildered look on his face. "I'm fine" Willow answered while Victoria stayed behind, letting the couple have a moment.

At this point, Willow was numb at the fact that she just lost a great friend. She blankly stared at the wall facing the bed she shares with Sirius, her fiancé.

"How's Victoria taking it?" She asked curiously as she looked away from the wall. "I took it hard, but then I realized that Marlene would want us to fight for the right thing" Victoria answered for Sirius as she walked towards them.

"And Remus?" Willow sniffled. Her question stunned Victoria, she doesn't know what to respond. "I don't know, we broke up" Victoria's face looked puzzled. "You guys did?" Sirius asked with a shocked face. Victoria nodded.

"Last time I saw you guys was two days ago, you were fine" Sirius added, earning a glare and an elbow to his stomach from Willow. Then Sirius realised that it was an insensitive thing to say. "Sorry" He apologised. "Crazy how things can escalate in such a short period of time, am I right?" Victoria chuckled, shaking her head.

"But it's alright, things didn't worked out for us... that's just how some things work" Victoria added, pretending not to care.

Little did she know that Remus was watching them from the stairs after he found out about Marlene McKinnon's death.


Few months have gone by and Victoria spent it by focusing on her studies, herself, and on her dueling skills.

She also focused on being a mother for some reason by taking care of Harry while his parents fight bravely against death eaters.

And this is one of those days.

"Harry, would you like pancakes?" Victoria baby talked to Harry, which no one would catch her doing it.
Harry giggled and responded with a squeeled 'yes'. "Good boy" Victoria chuckled before kissing Harry on the cheek and sniffling his hair. Victoria inhaled the fragrance of the baby's head. Somehow it fascinates her and make her repeat it again for three times.

"We're home!" James cheerly spoke as he shuts the door. "There's your dada and mama" Victoria pointed out as she picked baby Harry up, carrying it to his parents.

"Hello, my love!" Lily smiled, but her eyes was red as she removed Harry from Victoria's arms. She also noticed James' eyes being red as well.
Victoria's smile dropped. "What happened" Her voice sounded stern and worried. "Frank and Alice were tortured in their home" James answered, looking down at his feet.

Victoria was once again heartbroken, with her friend, Marlene's death—she was a mess and it was followed by another friend of her's death. "Oh God" Victoria's voice shuddered in fear as she heard the news. "Who did it?" She questioned with her hand on her mouth. "We don't know yet" Lily answered as she hushed Harry up as he was crying as well.

"I should leave, goodnight guys" Victoria excused herself before apparating back to her house that was not that far away.

Entering her room, she broke down into tears—her heart couldn't handle it.
All of a sudden, she felt a cramp on her lower abdomen. "Menstruation, is not what I need right now!" She shouted with tears still coming out of her eye.

Soon, the tears was not caused by Frank and Alice anymore, it was now because of the cramp she felt on her stomach that felt like it was killing her.

"Minnie!" She shouted for help. Minnie immediately showed up, worried. "Yes? Oh—" Minnie was shocked when she saw Victoria's state. "Apparate me to a random hotel, muggle one" Victoia ordered Minnie.

Shortly, they both apparated into an empty hotel room. "What do you want me to do Vicky?" Minnie frantically asked, pacing around. "Apparate back, I got this" Minnie nodded in understandment and left.

With all her strength, Victoria sat up, grabbing the telephone that was sitting on the night stand. Immediately, she called for room service. "Get me to the hospital right now, I don't know what's going on with me" Victoria panted through the phone. After a brief minute, the paramedics burst down the door and checked her if her heart was beating alright and if she was in the verge of dying.

"Get her to the hospital right now, she's gonna give birth" One of them spoke. Victoria's eyes widened as sweat falls down from her head. "I'm gonna give birth?!" She exclaimed. How am I this stupid to not have known I'm having a cryptic pregnancy.

The paramedics carried her to the stretcher as Victoria was unable to walk at the moment. "Could you tell us your name, ma'am?" One of them asked. "Victoria Greengrass" She replied almost immediately. "Is there someone we should call?"

"No, no, no, I'm fine" Victoria assured while smiling. Even though she knew Remus was the father of her upcoming child, she didn't want to bother him especially the fact that he left her.

"—one final push Victoria, you can do it!" The midwife encouraged her to push. Victoria cried and thought about what happened to her, how Remus caused her pain and most of her school friends dying because of the war that was occuring. All of that thought rushed in to her mind as she did one final push.

She heard a baby crying, she didn't know if it was a boy or a girl. "It's a girl!" The midwife smiled as she handed Victoria her daughter, having an immediate skin to skin contact with her baby. "Astrid Celeste Greengrass" Victoria whispered as she kissed her baby girl.

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