first day

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/ four / -first day



open, just to see that she wasn't in her room. She looked over to her right side and revealed, Remus Lupin. "Good morning" He whispered to her, looking down on his watch. "IT'S THE NEXT DAY?" Victoria shouted in disbelief, waking up the three boys next to Remus' bed.

"Well good morning sunshine" Sirius greeted at the messy haired girl sarcastically. "For fuck's sake, Victoria It's seven in the morning" James complained, drifting back to sleep. "Fuck you" Was the words that came out of her good friend, Peter.

"Ugh- Moony! Why didn't you wake me up?" Victoria said to Remus, moaning and groaning as she left the dorm room.

After Victoria left, Remus turned his head from the door to his roommates that looked at him with a nasty smirk plastered on their faces.

"Did you do it?" James asked curiously.
"You know what James" Remus started while entering the loo. "Mind your own business" Moony added.

"How can we mind our 'business' when we found our door locked and had to perform a spell to unlock it just to find you and Victoria wrapped around eachothers arms with your shirt slightly unbottoned" Sirius spoke up with a groggy voice.

"W-well then, mind your own business" Remus stammered, scratching the back of his head.

Victoria quickly left Remus' dorm running to her dorm carrying her shoes with messy hair and left over make up.

"You better tell us everything" Marlene said with her arms crossed sitting alongside Lily. Victoria looked at them weirdly, dropping her stuff on the floor.

"Don't give us that face young lady" Lily stated, placing her hands on her hips. "Where were you?" Marlene interrogated. "Relax" Victoria scoffed, finding the two of her best friends amusing.

"I was at Remus' dorm. Remember when we left your sight? He figured I was upset about something so he offered to listen about my problems in his dorm for a little bit of privacy but we ended up sleeping" Victoria explained, going to the loo to wash her face. "You slept together?!" Lily exclaimed while Marlene's mouth fell on to the floor.

"No- What?!" Victoria shouted in confusion from the bathroom. "Do not be a wonker" Lily retorted.

Victoria figured that her friends misinterpreted her so she left the loo after washing her face and brushing her teeth.

"I mean" Victoria started, rubbing her face with a towel. "He asked me if I was ready to talk about it and I shook my head and said that I just want to sleep so we slept in each other's arms and didn't noticed the time" Victoria explained once again to her friends.

Lily and Marlene nodded in understandment but still looking at their friend suspiciously.

After breakfast, Victoria walked with Lily to potions that she have with Lily, James, and of course, Remus. Potions were held at the dungeons near the Slytherin common room which was a bit dark.

It was said on her timetable that she has potions with Hufflepuffs which she found good since Hufflepuffs are known to be kind and thoughtful.

"Good morning everyone" Greeted Professor Slughorn. Instead of sitting, the students were standing up with a cauldron in front of them which was filled with a very strong smell of tobacco vanille and chocolate, according to Victoria's sense of smell.

"Remus, did you put an awful lot of perfume? It's making my head pound" Victoria complained to Remus, scrunching her face. Remus didn't recall putting on perfume since he was in a rush to get ready because of Sirius.

"Me? You're the one to talk, It smells like your vanilla perfume all over the classroom" Remus clapped back, mocking Victoria's scrunching face.

"Enough chatting class" Professor Slughorn stated to his class. "Anyone know what this is?" He questioned, looking around the classroom for any hands. A hand rose up from the Hufflepuff side, revealing Amos Diggory.

"That's amortentia sir" Amos answered, running his fingers through his hair as he do so while the girls from both Hufflepuff and Gryffindor drool over him.

"Good, 10 points for Hufflepuff" Slughorn stated while Amos' friends high-fived him.

"And what does amortentia does?" Professor Slughorn questioned once again. Lily rose her hand up, looking at her Professor.

"It's the most powerful love potion in the world sir, It causes powerful infatuation and obsession" Lily answered not knowing that James was smiling at her as she spoke.

"Very good Ms. Evans, 10 points for Gryffindor" Professor Slughorn stated.

Luckily for third period, they have a free period, all of them. "So what do you have in plan for Verity?" Sirius asked Victoria, resting his head on a tree. Victoria looked at him. "Maybe if we won the match to Ravenclaw you'll invite her to the party we are throwing at the common room" Victoria responded, eating a spoonful of chocolate pudding.

"And we'll get her drunk then let Victoria do the thing since she's Verity's number one target when it comes to her bullying shenanigans" Marlene spoke.

"Can I have some?" Remus said, snatching Victoria's pudding. "I didn't even get to answer" Victoria rolled her eyes, looking to the side just to reveal James and Lily making out, again.

"Geez, don't they get sick of sticking down their tongue on each other's pharynx?" Victoria expressed to Remus.

"Where's Peter?" Marlene questioned Sirius, not finding Peter anywhere near them. "Near the Hufflepuffs again" Sirius answered.

It was kind of weird since Peter was distancing himself to his best friends.

"What's up with him?" Victoria asked Remus which he responded with a shrug.

Finally, the blond haired boy appeared in front of them. "Holy shit wormtail, where have you been?" James asked, pulling his lips away from Lily's. "About time" Remus whispered to Victoria, his index finger pointing at James.

"Hufflepuffs" Peter answered, sitting down next to James. "Oh, you may not want to sit there if you want to see James sticking his tongue down Lily's throat" Remus winked at the blond boy.

The innocent boy immediately rose up from the ground and sat next to Remus and Victoria.

"So, why are you talking with the kind?" Victoria questioned. "Well I kinda have this crush on Amelia Bones" Peter whispered to the both of them, his gaze changing from Remus to the Hufflepuff girl next to Amos Diggory.

"You have a crush on WHO?!" Sirius exclaimed, seeking behind Remus while Marlene teased behind Victoria.

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