chapter 13

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The band plays a show in Portland, and the next morning, everyone's up bright and early to travel to Eugene. It's not five minutes after Taylor gets all settled into her hotel room for the night that her phone starts to ring. Her caller ID shows her that it's Anthony, so she eagerly picks up.

"Hey," she says. "What's up?"

"Taylor, hi," Anthony says from the other end of the line. "How's everything?"

"It's good. We just got into Eugene. I'm probably going to head out for a late lunch and a walk while the band's at the venue doing a sound check for tonight."

"Great," Anthony replies. "Listen, I wanted to talk to you about something... it's not related to the song issue. I'm still working on that. I'm sure that's why you thought that I called."

Taylor uncomfortably giggles a little. He's not wrong. "Okay. What's up, is everything alright?"

"Yeah, totally," he assures her. "Listen, I don't usually do this, but I've got this other client that I've been working with and I'd like for you to meet her. She's just your age and she's playing a gig in Vegas in a few days, the night before The Unprompted is playing theirs. I've been working with her for about a year and a half, and she's just the sweetest. I think she'll be a great connection for you to have."

Taylor nods upon hearing Anthony's words. She doesn't know his ulterior motives: he wants Taylor to learn how she should be treated by people in the music industry. Really, just in life. It doesn't take a genius to gather that Jett isn't showing that to Taylor. Under no circumstances should she be having to trade her body for her voice to be heard. He can only imagine what else is going on between the two that Taylor isn't telling him about. He has no doubt that she, in her young and fragile state, is being manipulated by that much older man.

Anthony knows that Gracie will show Taylor what an interaction is supposed to look like in the industry. She's an absolute sweetheart. She's been working on music for long enough to know what a good and professional interaction should be. She's worked with some really great collaborators who have shown her that, and those are the sorts of experiences that Anthony had hoped that Taylor would get when he sent her out on this tour. He feels terrible that it isn't what has happened.

On top of all of that, it won't hurt either of them to have a friend at this period in their careers. Taylor's writing, working her ass off to create that song that's going to be the right one to introduce herself to the world. Gracie is all set to release her first EP in two months' time. These two are starting at the bottom together, and with any luck, they'll climb their way to the top together.

"Yeah, that sounds good," Taylor tells Anthony.

"Great, you'll be in Vegas that night before the show, right?"

"Yeah, that's the plan," Taylor replies.

"Good. I'm going to get you on the list for the concert and you'll get an e-ticket sent to your email by the end of the day. Her name is Gracie, and I've already told her about you. She wants to get a drink with you after the show if that's good with you."

Taylor can't help but feel a little bit like a child being set up on a playdate, but she agrees to Anthony's suggestion. Given that she doesn't know the first thing about this girl, there's definitely a bit of hesitance, but she's also excited to meet her.

"Perfect. I'm going to let her know, and I'll give her your number so that she can text you and work everything out. Good?"

"Good," Taylor nods.

"Great," Anthony replies. Taylor can practically hear his smile over the phone. He's absolutely enthused, though she isn't quite sure why.

"But Anthony?"

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