chapter 27

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When Taylor wakes up the next morning, she's flooded with nerves. It's the big day- the day of her first performance.

She knows that the stakes are pretty low today. She's only playing a short set while Gracie's on break, and nobody bought tickets to see her or anything. While some people will know who Gracie is, or at the very least, that she's the doctor's daughter, nobody is going to know Taylor's name at this dinner. Nobody has expectations. If she doesn't want to, she'll likely never have to see anyone at this dinner ever again. It's the best way to be introduced to a live performance in the professional world.

She played a few sets back at home, at local fairs and festivals, but that was in hick town, especially compared to Los Angeles. Nobody there mattered, and it was before she was really ready to take things to a professional level. Everything is so different now.

But she feels good about it.

Her and Gracie spent all day yesterday, up until it was time for her to go to The Unprompted's final show, in a rehearsal studio in downtown Los Angeles. They worked together to create setlists and played through them what felt like a hundred times. Toady, they're going to spend the morning doing a final run through everything in Gracie's backyard and spend the afternoon shopping for cute outfits before they've got to go to soundcheck, an hour before the dinner starts.

The first hour of the dinner is going to be filled with speeches. Gracie's dad seems to have everything timed down to the minute. After the speakers, Gracie will start to play and the food will be served. The girls are going to get the first plates, getting the chance to eat in the kitchen before they perform.

Taylor is amazed when she walks into Gracie's room in the morning. The other girl seems so calm. She doesn't seem to be nervous about the performance. Taylor, on the other hand, can't take her mind off of it.

"What if I royally screw up? So badly that someone puts me on some sort of list to prevent me from never working again?"

Gracie rolls her eyes. "Unless you get up there and like... are super inappropriate or something, then you'll be good. I promise, everyone has screwed up. Not that you're going to. Just that if you do, it isn't the end of the world."

Taylor forces a small smile. "Thanks."

"I know that isn't going to take away all of the nerves or anything, but you really don't need to freak out."

"I'll try my best."

"That's my girl," Gracie smiles, giving Taylor a nudge. "You're a superstar."

"No, that's you."

"Well then maybe someday, we'll get to do a massive epic world tour together, and everyone will scream for us and know every word to every song."

"Today, let's just get through the acoustic show." Both girls start to laugh.

Gracie's phone vibrates, and she picks it up to look at the notification. "Come on. Mom says that she's got breakfast laid out for us, whenever we're ready."

They climb off of Gracie's queen-sized bed and head down the stairs, where Auggie and his parents are already sitting at the kitchen table eating yogurt and croissants.

"There are the stars of the day," John remarks as they walk into the room. "You guys feeling ready?"

"As ready as we'll ever be," Gracie nods. "But right now, just hungry."

"Everything's on the counter," Katie points, and the girls turn around to see the food. "I can make mimosas or smoothies if you want."

"I'm good with plain orange juice," Gracie remarks. "T?"

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