Chapter 2

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Hope: When we are young we are taught the distinction between a hero a and a villain, good and evil, a savior and a lost cause.

we see the backs of a boy and a girl walking through a forest at night

Henrik: but what if the only real difference is just who is telling the story?

Elena scoffs, 'good is good and evil is evil, it is that simple'

Many agrees with the two kids

Hope: My name is Hope Mikaelson

Henrik: And I'm Henrik Mikaelson.

"Wait there is more of you!" Damon exclaims

Caroline looks deep in thought "Wasn't Henrik the name of you dead brother?"

Elijah is the first to speak up. "Yes, but he has been dead for over a thousand years, and I'm sure that there has never been a member of our family named Hope" He looks towards his mother in confusion.

"My youngest son is long gone and we have never had a family member named Hope."  

"Could it be another Mikaelson family?" Caroline questions 

Hope: We come from a long line of the villains, in the tales you've heard about vampires, werewolves, witches, and everything in between.

Tyler laughs humorlessly "Sounds like the Mikaelsons to me"

Henrik: The school behind these gates protects the secrets of people like us.

Hope: And tonight, under the light of the full moon, we will be opening our doors to someone new.


Two boys walk down the street talking heatedly to each other

Landon: Rafael, seriously, it's not right.

Rafael: It is what it is, Landon.

Landon you're not Catholic. you shouldn't have to confess your sins.

Rebekah groans "God I hate Catholics!"

"Agreed sister they are so annoying" Kol said

Rafael: I tossed a lawnmower through the patio doors, bruh. If apologizing to god gets Hector and Maria off my back, so be it.

"sounds like a newly triggered wolf" Klaus said thoughtful

Elijah agrees with his brother, "And it's a full moon"

Landon and Rafael walks into a church.

Hector and Maria stands next to father Pietro.

RAFAEL: Buenas tardes, father Pietro

PIETRO: Buenas tardes, Rafael. Pray with me.

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