Chapter 1

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An: Any flashbacks/dreams/messages will be in italics.

Rosalie was in Spencer Hastings family barn with her sister and her friends. They were having their usual end of summer slumber party. This was the first time Rosalie was allowed to join them. Rosalie wasn't popular, like her sister Alison. She was very shy and mainly kept to herself. When she was around thirteen, she begged Alison to let her hang out with her and her friends so she would become more popular. Alison reluctantly agreed. They were all having fun in the barn.

"Drink, Rose?" Hanna offered. Rosalie knew the drink was alcoholic.

"No, thank you." Rosalie politely declined.

"Oh come on." Alison said. "At least try to be cool."

"Aly." Aria said. "If she doesn't want a drink, she doesn't have to have one."

"If you're going to be such a downer, you're going home." Alison said to her sister.

Rosalie took the cup from Hanna and took a sip. She made a face at the taste. By the end of the night, everyone was passed out.

When they all woke up, they noticed that Alison and Spencer were gone.

"Where are they?" Emily asked.

"Ali! Aria called out of the barn. "Spencer!"

Spencer then showed up. "I can't find her." Spencer said.

"Where is she?" Rosalie asked.

"I don't know." Spencer replied.

"Why don't we wait and see if she comes back." Hanna said.

They all agreed. They all ended up falling back asleep as they waited to see if Alison would return. But, when they woke up again in the morning, she still wasn't there.

Rosalie was suddenly woken up to knocking on her bedroom door.

"Rosie, time to get up." She heard her brother, Jason, say.

Rosalie groaned. She heard the door open and footsteps over to her bed.

"Come on." Jason said. "First day back at school."

Rosalie groaned again.

"I'm making your favorite." Jason said. "Chocolate chip pancakes with bacon and orange juice." Rosalie's eyes popped open. "Hurry up and get ready." Jason said before leaving the room.

Rosalie yawned and stretched as she sat up in bed. She got out of bed and started to get dressed. She then put makeup.

Once she finished, Rosalie headed downstairs. "There she is." Jason said.

Plates of food were set on the table and they sat down. The tv was on as they ate, with the news on. They started talking about Alison's disappearance. Alison had been mentioned a lot lately on the news and in newspapers, as it was the anniversary of her disappearance.

Jason turned the tv off. "You ok?" He asked.

Rosalie nodded. "Are you?" She asked.

"Yeah." Jason said.

Ever since Alison's disappearance, Rosalie's parents haven't been interested in taking care of her. So, Jason has been taking care of her for the past year. Her parents had moved and sold their house not long after Alison's disappeared. So, Jason bought an apartment for him and Rosalie.

"Ready to go?" Jason asked, once they finished eating.

"Yeah." Rosalie said as she slung her bag over her shoulder. She followed him out to his car and climbed in.

"Don't forget I have horse back riding practice after school today." Rosalie said once they arrived at the school. 

"Do you need a ride?" Jason asked.

"No. The field is in walking distance of the school." Rosalie replied.

"Okay. Just text me when you when you need to be picked up." Jason said.

"Alright." Rosalie said as she got out of the car. "Bye Jason."

"Bye Rose." Jason said. 

"Have a good first day of high school." Jason said.

Rosalie walked into the school and headed to her locker. Rosalie was a freshman in high school this year. She placed her backpack in her locker.

"Rosalie." She heard.

Rosalie looked up to see Emily Fields. A former friend of Rosalie's. Ever since Alison's disappearance, the girls grew apart. Aria and her family moved to Iceland and the rest of them grew apart.

"Hey Emily." Rosalie greeted.

"How are you?" Emily asked.

"I'm alright." Rosalie answered. "How are you?"

"I'm fine, as well." Emily said. "I'll admit. It's a little weird seeing you in high school."

Rosalie laughed as they walked down the hallway. "Is that Aria?" She asked.

"Yeah." Emily answered. "I saw her this morning. Her family's moved back."

And with Aria was her little brother, Mike. Rosalie's best friend since they were kids.

Rosalie ran up to Mike and hugged him from behind. "Mikey!" She said.

"Rosalie!" Mike said. Rosalie let go of Mike, so he could turn around.

"I missed you." Rosalie said.

"I missed you too, Rose." Mike said.

Just then, the warning bell rang.

"Maybe we can meet up later." Mike said.

"I can't. I have horse back riding practice after school." Rosalie said. "I'll text you and we can decide on a time to catch up."

"Alright." Mike said.

They all went to their respective classes. The day went by like any other.

After school, Rosalie went to field and stables. A dream of hers was to go to the Olympics for horse back riding. When practice ended, Jason picked Rosalie up.

"How about we get dinner at the Grill and you can tell me about your first day." Jason said.

"Sounds good." Rosalie said.

A few minutes later, the two were at the Grill eating dinner.

"So, how was your first day?" Jason asked.

"It was good." Rosalie said. "I saw Emily. And Aria and Mike are back from Iceland."

"How are they?" Jason asked.

"I guess okay." Rosalie said. "I didn't talk with any of them for very long."

"They're your friends, Rose." Jason said.

"Mike is." Rosalie answered. "The others were Ali's friends."

Jason sighed and they continued to eat.

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