Chapter Five

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With rapid movements, the biter lunged towards Samuel, its teeth gnashing in an eager attempt to sink into his flesh. With frantic desperation, Samuel flailed his arms, attempting to fend off the ravenous biter, but his feeble resistance only fueled its insatiable hunger. Momentum carried them both crashing to the ground, entangled in a violent struggle for survival. The biter's gnarled jaws snapped mere inches from Samuel's flesh, its saliva-drenched teeth glistening with an unholy appetite.

In a desperate bid to protect himself, Samuel thrust his arm deep into the biter's writhing neck, feeling the gruesome texture of sinew and muscle beneath his fingers. Blood sprayed in crimson arcs, mingling with the frenzied panting of the deranged creature. The stench of decay mingled with the metallic tang of fear, filling the air as their battle reached its grisly crescendo.

Summoning every ounce of strength, Samuel summoned a surge of adrenaline-fueled power, forcing the biter to lose its grip. With a primal roar, he twisted and rolled, breaking free from the monster's clutches. Seizing the upper hand, Samuel lunged forward, his body weight crashing onto the biter's writhing form, forcing it to the ground. His knee pressed into its chest, restricting its movements, while his fists clenched tightly, ready to strike if the biter dared to resist.

As the biter squirmed beneath him, its lifeblood oozing onto the ground, Samuel's gaze met its wild, bloodshot eyes, a chilling reflection of the savagery that consumed it. The world around them seemed to fade, the cries of the wounded and the chaos of their surroundings swallowed by the intensity of their life-and-death struggle.

Every nerve in Samuel's body screamed with adrenaline, his heartbeat pounding in his ears like a war drum. Samuel slowly reached for the chef's knife, tucked into the back of his belt. Wrapping his fingers around the handle, he manages to yank it out.

With a tight grip, Samuel aimed for the heart, thrusting the large blade deeply into the biter's shoulder. Dark blood suddenly squirted from the wound, making impact with Samuel's face. However the biter did not flinch, it's arms were still grabbing at his shirt, his teeth still desperately gnawing for a snack.

Samuel dislodged the blade from its shoulder. It's pierced skin stretched and rippled. A flow of blood began to squirt rapidly out from the wound, covering Samuel in a vial stench.

He raised the knife high above his head and brought it down with all his might, driving it forcefully into the biter's chest. The blade sank deep, piercing the biter's flesh and hitting bone, but still, it showed no signs of relenting.

Samuel's vision blurred with a combination of sweat, blood, and tears as he withdrew the knife and struck again, and again, and again. Each stab was punctuated by a sickening squelch and the chilling sound of metal meeting flesh and bone. The biter's body convulsed under the relentless assault, but its frenzied gnashing and clawing continued unabated.

Samuel unleashed a series of rapid, frenetic stabs, the force behind each blow increasing with his mounting desperation. The biter's body twitched and jerked with each merciless strike, its blood pooling beneath them, but still, its unwavering determination refused to wane.

Samuel's muscles burned with exertion, his arms growing heavy and his breath ragged. Sweat mingled with the blood on his brow as he fought to maintain his grip on the knife, refusing to yield to the exhaustion threatening to overtake him. With a final surge of adrenaline, he delivered a final, bone-jarring blow, burying the blade deep within the biter's temple, piercing through its skull.

For a brief, heart-stopping moment, time seemed to hang in suspension. Samuel's breaths came in ragged gasps as he stared down at the motionless form beneath him. The biter's eyes, once filled with savage hunger, now held only a vacant, lifeless gaze.

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