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[Jacob POV]
Today has been pretty slow, so when one of my only tables paid, I got told to go on break. They don't have to tell me twice, I'm starving. And being around food all day doesn't help. I clocked out and was walking up to my temporary car when I saw Luca with our neighbor. I stopped and stepped to the side of the entrance because someone was going in, and I watched. Why is he here? I'm not complaining. Don't get me wrong, but I'm just so confused. He turned and saw me standing by the door, his face light up and he ran to me. He pulled me into a hug, smiling up at me.
"What are you doing here?" I asked, wrapping my arms around his torso.

"I just missed you," He said, pulling away and grabbing my hand.
"Are you hungry? Cause I'm fucking starving," I asked, leading him to the car. He nodded some, getting in the passenger seat. To be fair, I probably would have encouraged him to eat, regardless of if he was hungry or not. He didn't tell me what he wanted, so I went with the safest bet. A 10 piece and a sprite. We sat in the parking lot and talked while we ate. He didn't finish his, which was a little upsetting. Not like angry upsetting, but he needs to be eating, and he hasn't been lately. At some point, he unbuckled himself and ended up sitting in my lap in the car. He said he really missed me and wished I could've held him more this morning, so I let him cuddle me then. I had moved the sear back so he wasn't uncomfy against the steering wheel.

"What have you and Karmin been up to? Before y'all decided to stalk me at work," I asked, getting a shocked look.
"It's not stalking to see you at work," He argued, taking another sip of his drink. He had a little bit of a reaction to it, saying the bubbles hurt. I giggled a little, and he made sure I knew not to laugh at him.
"I forgot you don't really get pop," I commented, glancing at the time. I still have 13 minutes since it's only a 2-minute drive over here, and I get a 20-minute break. Then, however long we've been sitting here already.
"Did you just drink tap water growing up?" I asked. I hadn't thought about it before, but I kinda hated tap water and never drank it much growing up. I can say I'm a changed man now and can deal with tap water. He shrugged before answering.
"I don't know if our water was on normally. I drank school water from the fountains," He answered, looking behind me through the back windshield for a second.

"How would you shower?" I asked, not judging at all. I just wanna know now.
"Hose, it was from well water instead of the water tank so they couldn't shut that one off," He explained.
"What were you guys doing before you went to see me?" I asked again because he didn't answer earlier.
"Oh, yeah. Sitting outside on the grass. Talking about a lotta things. Little bit about you," He said as if he had forgotten I asked him before. He probably did forget.
"Yeah? What about me?" I continued.
"It's secret stuff, you can't know," Luca said, a cheeky smile across his face.
"I'll just have to convince you when I get home to tell me," I said, playfully pushing him away from me.
"How would you even do that?" He asked, taking another drink of Sprite. He had less of a reaction this time.

"I think hickeys would make you cave pretty fast," I casually said.
I didn't even want to say that. I just thought it, and I said it on accident.
"Nu uh. I don't share secrets that easy," He argued, hand on his hips now.
"I'll just have to try it then, won't I?" I asked, getting a little smile from him. I leaned in and roughly kissed his lips for a few seconds. When I pulled away, he frowned and adjusted how he was sitting on my lap before kissing me again. We made out for a little while, him softly rubbing against my stomach. My CD kept playing on the radio since I hadn't opened my car door since I shut it off. My CD was the Arctic Monkeys AM album, which was playing 'I Wanna Be Urs'.

In short, Luca ended up with hickeys on his neck because his shirt was too big, meaning part of his shoulder was exposed. And I ended up with a boner. I gently wiped my spit off his neck with the end of his shirt since mine was Mt uniform before noticing I had 4 minutes left of my break.
"Baby, I gotta get back to work," I softly said, rubbing up his side.
"You just got me hard too," He complained, giggling. I don't think he minded too much. I helped him back over to the passenger side, turned the car back on, and reluctantly drove back to work. I got out with him and kissed his forehead before telling him bye, heading into the restaurant to clock back in. Im just glad you can't see my erection through my uniform. I checked in the bathroom before I started waiting tables.

[Luca POV]
After Jacob went back to work, Karmin dragged me all over Walmart. But I didn't protest because he drove me to go see Jacob; I just followed him all around the store. He had gotten us stuff to make matching bracelets, so that's all we did when we got back. Right until Dady got home. I wore mine since the second Karmin made it, but I basically forgot all about it when I couldn't find Jupiter.
"Papa, where?" I softly asked, hoping he moved him somewhere and forgot to tell me.
"Where's what, Bug?" He asked, changing the video he was watching.
"Jupiter! He missin'," I slurred, trying my best not to get upset.
"Did you check under the bed? On the dresser, under the covers, maybe in the dryer?" He suggested, making me hurry back to the bedroom to go search more.

Long story short, I didn't find him. I checked everywhere, even the places I knew he wouldn't be. In the kitchen cabinets, in the bathroom, in the closet. Nothing. So I came back to the living room, slowly crying. I was distraught that my only stuffie ever went missing. My momma never got me one, and neither did my dad when he was around still. So even if Kayden gave me him, Jupiter meant a lot to me.
"He gone," I whined, climbing into his lap. I buried my head in Jacob's chest, getting his shirt wet with my tears.
"Oh, baby. Come here, come to Papa," He gently soothed me, starting to rock me.
"Do you want a new stuffie instead? Make a new friend?" He offered, getting a strong, strong no.
"Dady, Jupiter is my friend! I don't want a new one," I whined.

"They're big feelings, aren't they, Babes?" He eventually asked, getting a nod. When he does this stuff, it can make me cry less cause it makes me feel a little better.
"I know they feel really bad, but you're okay. I'm right here. He's gotta turn up at some point, right?" Dady said, holding me tight. I thought for a second before nodding.
"I-I gonna miss him," I cried a little, shifting his I was sitting on Jacob's lap. He hummed and rocked me, gently kissing my head every so often. I dont think I would've been ready to stop cuddling at all tonight, but I definetly wasn't ready when Dady needed to make dinner.
"Papa! Hold," I whined as soon as he got up. I had been half asleep, so I didn't care until he let go.
"Let me make dinner first, Bubba. I can't hold you and cook," He told me, getting me to whine and pout. The start of a tantrum.

[Jacob POV]
Luca lost his stuffie, which really upset him. He wasn't in a particularly good mood while I was cuddling him, until he fell asleep. But, when I tried to move him, he woke up. And he wasn't in any better of a mood, either.
"Let me make dinner first, Bubba. I can't hold you and cook," I explained, only getting whining. As I was preheating the oven, he got up and tried to reach for me.
"Hand?" He quietly asked. Instead of telling him I didn't feel like holding him, I simply took his hand and cooked around him. Maybe this will put him in a better mood about Jupiter.

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