The roof pt. 2

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☆ y/n ☆

I sat down beside Peter at the empty table who was scribbling something down in his notebook.

"Hey Peter," I greeted.

He glanced up at me "oh hey y/n,"

"Is this seat taken?" I asked.

Peter shook his head, allowing me to sit next to him. I pulled out the chair and made myself comfortable, allowing him to continue whatever he was doing in his notebook, homework I assumed. I watched as the Mary Janes set up their instruments, tuning them quietly. Mj glanced down at her phone, looking over the set list for the night and preparing herself for any times where their drummer might leave.

MJ and I have spent countless hours over calls talking about her flaky drummer. I tried to reason with the drummer, explaining that she might have things going on at home, which would explain why she needed to leave so quickly or was reluctant to make friends. MJ wasn't the type of person to be super understanding, you were either all in or all out. But in MJ's eyes, Gwen was the best in Midtown high school, and she wasn't desperate enough yet to search any of the other schools in the area.

Which was where I came in.

Although I didn't know how to play drums and my skills were more on the athletic side, all I had to do was sit there and pretend to play the drums while a recorded version played in the background, just in case Gwen decided to up and go once more. MJ wanted to tell Gwen the idea, but I managed to debunk the idea. Despite not knowing the drummer, I felt bad being her replacement when she was gone.

"Hey," MJ waved at the host, flagging them down to their set up.

"Yes?" they asked.

"Mind if we practice our set?" MJ asked "I think we need one more run through"

She casually looked over at her shoulder to find Gwen tapping the sticks on the rim of her drums.

"Sure, as long as it's before the guests arrive."

MJ turned to everyone, signaling for her bandmates to get ready for the first song of their setlist. Jen sent Betty a smile, ready for the song as she rolled out her shoulders. Behind them, Gwen sat up and fixed her hair, still holding her drumsticks in hand.

"Are you doing homework?" I asked, leaning forward to peter.

"Huh?oh," he closed his notebook. "yeah, i just wanted to get it done for the weekend."

I nodded in responde "smart, i just wait until sunday to do it all."

Peter stared at me for a moment before Gwen started to hit the drums, signaling the song's beginning. Jen strummed her bass, Betty and Glory joining seconds later on their guitars. MJ patently tapped her heeled shoe on the floor as she waited for her moment to join in. she nodded her head along to the music, pulling the mic off the stand and fixing the wire before singing. Her deep voice filled the air, cascading over the symphony of instruments. Gwen closed her eyes and began to hit the drums even louder, losing herself in the music. Betty and Glory jumped back to back, lips stretching thin as they strummed away on their instrument, playing the notes they all knew by heart.

Gwen bent forward as she banged on the snare. MJ's voice faded as the song ended, next came Jen and Betty, leaving Glory to finish her piece as the lead guitarist. Gwen was the only one left after a minute, deciding to trashcan the ending. She tossed up her drumstick into the air, her foot tapping into the petal before she returned her attention to the snares. Once she figured it was good, she ended the song.

I watched her, eyes wide. Her ending was loud, but it was good. Beside me, Peter clapped his hands together, making me do the same. He let out a little whoop, earning her attention. Gwen looked over at us, her face pink from the rush. I couldn't help but smile.

MJ nodded to herself, muttering under her breath as she fixed the mic once more. When she was done, she turned to her bandmates.

"That was good ladies!" her eyes skipped over to Gwen "i thought that ending was great, it sets the perfect mood for the night."

Gwen smiled shyly at her "I thought it was a bit much."

"She's so good," I said, turning to peter.

MJ had mentioned to me a couple of times that Gwen only had one friend, Peter parker. I had seen them around a couple of times at school, in the hallway or during lunch. Some part of me felt selfish when I found myself wishing that I could somehow squeeze into their little group. They looked like fun.

Peter nodded "she really is. Gwen is perfect for the drums."

"It's like they were made for her." I replied, resting my chin in my hand as I stared at her "is she single?"

Peter threw back his head and laughed "how straightforward."

I flicked him with my other hand "god, not for me!"

"Oh really?"

I laughed at his response looking back at her "yes really. What I meant to ask was, are you two together?"

"Aw nah," he leaned back in his chair, reaching above him to stretch out his back "she's my best friend, that's all."

Soon, the rooftop was filled with people and the smell of food wafted through the air. The Mary Janes got to work on their set list, taking breaks in between for water and halfway through the party, they stopped for a food break. When MJ left the stage, I hopped up from my seat to meet my cousin near the food table.

"Sooooo nothing yet," I said as I put my hands behind my back, watching as she picked up a paper plate.

"Yet." she replied, her eyes hard with focus on the food "we still got two more hours."

"Aw come on, MJ,'' I sighed." Give her a break. She's got things going on, maybe she doesn't want us to know."

She let out a breath "you're right."

I gave her a look before punching her lightly on the shoulder "you are doing amazing by the way, drink some water before you go back on."

I kept away from her, looking for gwen. I found her sitting next to Peter at the table I was just sitting at. I slid back down in my seat, giving her a smile.

"You guys are great!"

"Thanks!" she beamed.

Peter gave her a nudge on her shoulder "i told you,"

"Hey, y/n, do you go to midtown?" Gwen asked.

"Yeah, I've seen you guys around a bit. I didn't know yall enough so i never said hi."

"I've seen you a couple times too, with MJ and Glory."

My eyes found glory on the dance floor with some random girl. Her hair was pulled back in a sleek braid, revealing her dark shoulders exposed from her halter top. She closed her eyes to the music, letting herself relax during her break.

"Glory and I used to be a thing, that's how I got to know most of the band." I found myself saying.

I turned my attention back to them, watching their eyes for anything. Gwen just gave me a casual nod before repiling "I think I remember glory mentioning something. MJ's "damned cousin."

My eyes widened "what? Did she actually say that?"

Gwen laughed "haha no sorry, just messing with you"

I shook my head in responde, hiding a smile. Gwen's eyes crinkled with laughter, the false light from the party reflecting in them. 

Hi! thank you guys for the reads and votes! I hope you are enjoying the story!! :)

- Miss Madonna X

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