The Meeting

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[3rd Person POV]

The Miner slowly returned to consciousness, he began to notice a soft warmth on his face. His ears picked up the sounds of birds chirping and leaves rustling in the wind. He opened his eyes slowly, the blue/purple orbs gazing out at the new world around him.

The Miner sat with his back against a tree, looking out into a small clearing. All around him he could hear the sounds of a forest coming to life. A soft morning light filtered through the trees and bathed his face in a warm glow.

Suddenly, the System popped up as the Miner look at it.

Steve: ?


The System has been update to Ver. 2.0.1


Steve: Ah

The Miner said in understand as he already used to it. So he decided to see what the New Update System first.

[Minecraft System] (Ver. 2.0.1)

[Status] (New)
[Inventory] (New)
[Skill] (New)
[Magic] (New)
[Shop] (New)


The Miner nodded his head as he decided to look at this new System.

Steve: Status


Name: Steve

Alias: The Miner

Race: Human

Level: 9 (?)


Strength: SSS- ???

Endurance: SSS- ???

Dexterity: SSS- ???

Endurance: SSS- ???

Agility: SSS- ???

Magic: SSS- ???


Steve: *confused Miner noise* ?

The Miner looked in confusion at his Level that is "Level 9 (?)" while his Parameter only show "SSS- ???".

Steve: "Is the System can't update my Status because I'm too strong?"

The Miner thought as he shook his head to clear his thought. He need to fully understand this new System

Steve: Inventory.





[Enchanted Books]

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