Chapter 6

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Vaccines you ordered, Dr. Wilson" She says.

"Thank you Susan" he responds as she leaves. I feel a huge lump in my throat as my eyes burn with tears, knowing exactly what's on that tray.

"Michael no" I say, starting to cry as he walks over and places the covered tray beside me. Mason sits on the bed with me and rubs my back as I try to contain my crying.

"Baby, breathe. Your working yourself up. It's only two small pinches and then it's over, and you won't get sick" Michael reassures.

"Two?" I choke out. I know I'm being a big baby over all this, but I seriously can't help it.

"Sweetheart why don't we just let Michael do his thing, and then me and you can go do something"Mason says, running his fingers through my hair. I just nod, defeated.

I tuck my head into Masons shoulder as I feel my sleeve being pulled up and a cold wipe. I let out a sob when I feel the first pinch, then the second which burned way more. I jumped off the bed the second I felt my sleeve being pulled down. Michael immediately pulled me into an involuntary hug.

"Shh you're all done now" he says in my ear while my sobs turn to sniffles.

"Sorry I was just overwhelmed" I mumble, wiping my face.

"Baby, don't apologize. It's literally my job and your my sister. It's all ok" he says.

When it's finally over, Mason clocks out and I get in his car and he starts driving.

"Where to?" He asks.

"Uhmm it doesn't matter to me" I say.

"How aboutttt we go to that new vegan place? Are you hungry?" He suggests.

"Yeah I could eat" I agree. It's about a ten minute drive to this cute vegan cafe place. We both sit down and scan the menu. I get an almond milk latte and Mason gets a red bull. I order a vegan chicken salad and Mason gets a veggie burger.

"Don't tell Wes and Dylan I let you drink coffee" he jokes.

"I won't. I don't need to hear that lecture again" I laugh, knowing how serious my brothers are about how coffee isn't good for my teeth or whatever. Mason chuckles.

We talk about random topics until we both finish up our food. Mason pays the check and we both get up and leave the restaurant.

When we get home, everyone else is still at work, so Mason and I put on Grey's Anatomy.

We watched about three episodes before everyone started to come home and tuned in to the show. Soon enough, all the boys were in regular clothes and Michael was making dinner tonight.

He made pasta, and I set the table and we all sit down to eat. We eat in silence except the occasional 'how was your day' talk.

"How did your appointment go?" Wes asks me. This question is asked every time one of us has an appointment, and I never want to talk about it.

"Fine" I say, my usual answer to questions I don't want to answer. Wes nods, getting the hint.

After dinner, I do my usual routine. Shower and braid my hair. I sit on my bed and open my laptop. I finish up any assignments that are due for a while. When I finish, I 'm too tired to read, so I just let in my bed and close my eyes until I fall asleep.


Sorry this ending is rushed I didn't know what else to write lmao

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