chapter 17

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DISCLAIMER: Harry Potter belongs to J.K. Rowling. This fiction is purely for my own enjoyment and yours. No money is being made by me or anyone else from this fiction.

Draco blinked his eyes. The room slowly came into focus, as did the shapes standing around him. Madame Pomfrey, Professor Snape, and Professor Dumbledore were staring down at him. He was in the Hospital Wing. They were back. "Hermione!" he cried, bolting upright in his bed. He looked around wildly, searching for her. Where is she, she was ill, I have to help her! "Mr. Malfoy, calm yourself!" ordered Madame Pomfrey, trying to make him lay back down. But Draco wasn't having any of it.

Suddenly he heard some whimpers from the bed next to his. Hermione was laying there, tossing and turning. "Hermione!" Draco shouted again and leapt from the bed.

"Mr. Malfoy, you get back into bed this instant!" shouted Madame Pomfrey. Dumbledore said nothing, but watched the events with the usual twinkle in his eye. Professor Snape kept his face blank, but confusion filled his normally stoic eyes. Draco ignored them all and ran to Hermione's side. He took her hand in his and squeezed it gently.

"Wake up Hermione, it's okay, we're back," said Draco soothingly. "It's alright, I'm here." Professor Snape's eyebrows rose. Madame Pomfrey was still trying to get Draco back into bed.

"Get back in that bed, you silly boy! I need to run some tests on you to make sure you're alright!" Still Draco ignored her. He started stroking Hermione's hair.

"Please wake up, Hermione," he said. Dumbledore's eyes twinkled.

Suddenly Hermione's eyes flew open and she bolted upright, just like Draco had. She glanced around the room, taking in the sight of Professor Snape and Dumbledore and Madame Pomfrey. Then she looked down at her hand in Draco's and a look of anguish and alarm covered her face. She turned to Madame Pomfrey. "My baby, is my baby alright?" she cried.

The witch's eyes widened in shock and she simply stared at Hermione dumbfounded. Professor Snape made a choking noise and his mouth dropped open. Professor Dumbledore simply smiled. Finally Professor Snape recovered enough to ask, "Your what, Miss Granger?"

"My baby, is he okay?" repeated Hermione. Then a frown crossed her face. "Wait, why did..."

She was cut off by Draco, who turned irritably towards Professor Snape. "Didn't I tell you not to call her that? Her name is Mrs. Malfoy, not Miss Granger!" he snapped. This time Professor Snape did choke.

"Wh-what on earth are you talking about, boy?" shouted Professor Snape.

"WHY ISN'T ANYONE TELLING ME ABOUT MY BABY?" shouted Hermione, looking frantic. At this point Dumbledore stepped in. Draco, who had ignored Professor Snape's outburst, looked up imploringly at Dumbledore at Hermione's question. Yes, how is our baby?

"Your child is perfectly fine, Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy," he assured them, ignoring the stunned looks on both Madame Pomfrey and Professor Snape's faces. Draco heaved a sigh of relief. He almost didn't hear Dumbledore's next question. "May I have a word with Professor Snape and Madame Pomfrey?" he asked. Hermione nodded, looking relieved after hearing her baby was safe. Draco nodded too, not caring what the Headmaster did as long as Hermione and the baby were safe. But something was bothering him, niggling in the back of his mind like a piece of forgotten homework. How did we get here? The last thing I remember is Hermione passing out in the hallway at the Manor. Why are we at Hogwarts? Dumbledore walked further down the Hospital Wing to give Draco and Hermione some space.

Draco saw Professor Snape storm over to Dumbledore, Madame Pomfrey hot on his tail. "What in the name of Salazar is going on here, Albus?" he demanded. Draco continued to hold Hermione's hand and stroke her hair, but he strained to hear what Dumbledore was saying. He saw Madame Pomfrey nodding furiously, still a little shocked over what had just happened.

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