Chapter 3

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"You remember the mess we created right?" His eyes softened

"uhumm" she nodded positively

"well, my mum caught your lie and I convinced her that we have a thing"

"But why did you even convince her? like...tbh I just don't get it. I thought it was a one time thing"

"what do you mean by one time thing? you can't just play with me and run away!" his jaw clenched and his eyes now darkened.


"Hear me and listen to me keenly, from now on you will work as my PA." he said in a more commanding tone

She felt her heartbeat rising imagining how it might end. Then suddenly remembered how she really struggled to fit in. she wasn't the one to be scared of him so she said with all her might

"I don't think I can do that, 'cause my colleagues might think otherwise and after that it will be really difficult to fit-in again. I don't know if you get it but imagine being in my situation then rethink"

"I do not care. You will work as my PA and that's final" his lip twitched

she didn't have much to say now since he won't just get it in his mind so she agreed reluctantly.

"Tomorrow, whether you agree or not you will act as my girlfriend, you will not let my mother suspect a thing!" he warned

"WHAT!! are you threatening me now? look this is not why I'm even here in the first place and secondly why are you acting like you own me? This ain't some Zade book and I ain't here to serve you understood!" she snapped

"Firstly, you're here because I called you and secondly, from the moment I saw you, you were mine forever, I don't want you to serve me but once I'm yours in your heart I will serve you"

She couldn't believe what she heard. This guy was obsessed with her. She never in her whole life imagined this to happen, she wanted to giggle and throw her feet just like when she'd read her books but this time it was real and she's thrown away and a bit disgusted by it.

Not knowing what to do she awkwardly left his office. while Allen just kept staring at her until she disappeared.

The first time Allen had seen her at the café he felt the warmth he never felt before. It was so different and bizarre like someone had given him a fluffy quilt. That was the time he became obsessed with her. She was now his and no one can ever take what belongs to him.

**The next day**

Jenna got up just in time after three alarms! she wore a black trouser with a silk maroon blouse tucked in with black closed toe heels. She parted her hair and tied up a bun and did a quick face prep.

Not to be late, she ran up to the station to catch the 6:00AM bus. When she reached there the first thing she did was to rush to his office and put her stuff on the table which was inside his office and make it look happy.

She spent at least an hour exploring the office, the diverse collection of books which she went through each and every shelf. Then thought of exploring his desk though it would be inappropriate but who was there anyways, she thought. As she was just about to check the drawers of Allen's desk, she heard his voice and quickly pushed the drawer, confirmed everything was just how it was then opened the door waiting for them.

she could now feel her heart about to blow, thinking how his mother would behave with her after such a huge lie. Sweat running down her back, she couldn't switch off her mind even after long deep breaths.

Their voices became louder and louder as they approached his office. Soon she could see his mother dressed very different from what she saw her in before. This time she wore a long floral dress, Tyrolean hat tied with flowers and black grandma shoes. Allen dressed in a grey suit with black shirt looking more handsome than before. He gave her a hug, Jenna hugged back as he whispered her ear "next time if you want to look through my belongings let me know, I have more to show." She could feel her cheeks and eyes burning, but this time she couldn't hide it.

"Hello, Miss?" Elena asked with one raised eyebrow

"H...hello ma'am I'm Miss Jenna Greenwood, P.A and as you know girlfriend of Mr. Allen"

"Nice to meet you Miss Jenna" She said in a very intriguing voice

She looked at her from the top to the bottom. "maybe she is deciding whether I'm dressed right to be his girlfriend" Jenna spoke to her mind.

Her mother then turned to Allen after giving Jenna a sweet smile "You better take care of Jenna, if you ever hurt her you'll see red flaming colors, the one you saw when you tore my favorite dress"

Allen spoke to his mind 'I will never in fact anyone who even tries to, that will be the last day of their life!'

Jenna giggled, then saw Allen look at her with an angry face and stopped immediately

She smacked his head and raised her voice "stop looking at her that way, she has the right!"

Then turned to Jenna and told her with a calm voice "If he ever scolds you or does anything to you that has hurt you, come to Elena ma okay? she will teach him a good lesson"

Allen raised his eyebrows seeing how quick she changed in to a sweet voice when talking to Jenna

"okay" her face now glowing

Soon they were done with the talks and they all left. Now it was Jenna and Allen. He stared at her for a while, then leaned closer to her. Her heart beats were loud enough for a grandpa to count, chest sweating and she could feel her hormones rising uncontrollably. They were so near, that their nose almost greeted each other.

He slowly picked up the water bottle behind her and went back to his original position.

For the first time she felt so embarrassed on her thoughts as she was just about to shut her eyes.

"what were you thinking?" he asked in a playful tone! knowing really well what she was thinking. he was about to give in but stopped, reckoning it would not be appropriate.

"N...nothing. I...uh...guess I should go back to my desk and continue my work" her cheeks were red already

He rubbed his hand behind his neck trying to hide his red cheeks and turned back to sit on his chair.

"th... that would be great"

she rushed awkwardly towards her desk trying to make all that lavender haze disappear.















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