chapter 21

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AN: Ummm...surprise? I'm still alive.

Cecilia felt her heart pounding in her chest as alarm bells rang throughout the Ice Court. She knew that things wouldn't always go so smoothly, but she had hoped that was just paranoia.

Cecilia eyed Kaz, the front of his shirt was covered in blood that, thankfully, wasn't his. They had run all the way down the stairs towards the incinerator room, trying not to get caught by the roaming guards who were now in a hurry to apprehend the suspected intruders.

They burst into the incinerator room and Cecilia saw Jesper all by himself. He was holding a rope that led up the incinerator shaft. She hoped that meant everyone else was already on the roof.

"Hurry," Kaz said.

Jesper was quick to wave Cecilia over, "You first."

Cecilia shared a momentary look with Kaz before she took hold of the rope and began to climb up. She could feel the rope tremble beneath her as Jesper and Kaz climbed after her. She could also hear the incinerator door slam shut, securing their escape.

As she reached the top, Matthias and Valan held their hands out to pull her up to the roof. Wylan was also at the top, looking incredibly fidgety and nervous.

"Sorry. I know we're late," Cecilia said.

Jesper was pulled up next, "Thank the Saints. Kaz is on the rope."

Valan and Matthias grabbed the rope and began to haul it and Kaz up to the top.

Kaz flopped onto his back when he got on the rope, "Where's Inej and Nina?"

"Already on the embassy roof," Matthias told him.

"Leave this rope and take the rest. Let's move," Kaz ordered.

"You got it, boss," Valan said almost sarcastically as he helped toss the incinerator rope down.

Cecilia, Jesper and Kaz grabbed the clean coils from the floor and started over to the lip of the roof with the others. Inej had secured a tether from the top of the prison to the embassy sector roof below.

"Thank the Saints, Djel, and your Aunt Eva," Jesper said gratefully.

Valan nudged Cecilia forward, "Lady's first."

Cecilia gave him an amused smile, "Don't tell me your scared of heights, Val. You jump off roofs for fun."

Valan frowned at the insinuation, suddenly pulling her out of the way to go first, "Scared, my ass."

Cecilia laughed under her breath as Valan slid down the rope. Kaz watched her closely as he heard the soft noise. It was beautiful, but then again, he thought everything about her was.

Jesper followed Valan, and then Wylan. Kaz and Matthias stood behind Cecilia, watching as she somehow slid down with the grace of a wild cat. So precise with every movement. And then they followed.

They found Nina and Inej tucked up against the base of a large dome on the roof, one they used to let in light. It would do well to hide them from view, should any of the guards look up.

Cecilia dashed over when she noticed Inej's feet in Nina's lap. Burnt rubber had been stuck to Inej's heels and her feet looked an angry red.

Kaz walked briskly when he noticed Cecilia's worry, "What happened?"

"I can't get all the rubber off her heels," Nina said.

"Help her," Kaz said, directing his words towards Jesper.

Flower of the North [Kaz Brekker; Six of Crows]Where stories live. Discover now